Imaginaerum by Nightwish - the movie (watch the trailer)

St Enigma

Sep 11, 2005

Finally the production company launched the official theatrical trailer for Nightwish's Imaginaerum -movie. Enjoy the ride!

The special Nightwish concert & movie premiere on Nov 10. 2012 at Hartwall Areena, Helsinki, Finland is sold out.

The film will be in theaters in Finland Nov 23. 2012, theater distribution to other countries still under negotiations, though this long-awaited trailer will most likely have an impact on indie films distributors.

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Hopefully it's better than that trailer made it look. Made it look like cheap green screen graphics and bad dialoge writing. I am hopeful for the Neil Gaiman meets Tim Burton aspects, but very apprehensive after seeing this.

All of this.

I feel like if they wanted to do this right, they should have contacted Guillermo Del Toro. I'm usually a big fan of these sorts of movies, but the acting doesn't look too good right now. I'm still gonna watch it, I feel like they deserve a chance, so we'll see.
This looks terrible. The problem with so much CGI is that it dates itself years later. This looks like bad fan fiction made into a live action movie. I am sure it will do good in some markets and fans of Nightwish will see it. But outside those one will bother. It reminds me of those band 3D movies you see at theme parks.
All of this.

I feel like if they wanted to do this right, they should have contacted Guillermo Del Toro. I'm usually a big fan of these sorts of movies, but the acting doesn't look too good right now. I'm still gonna watch it, I feel like they deserve a chance, so we'll see.

I remember there being a thread about this movie a few months ago, and someone said the budget was 4 million Euros. Guillermo Del Toro (as well as most legitimate filmmakers) would need at minimum 6 x that to make a movie. Pretty much called it that this movie would look amateurish. But I will give credit to where it's due and say that for what they paid for, the art design is very solid, the acting is surprisingly good (for what it is), and the cinematography looks decent. Trailer was well put together too, but also feels like they tried too hard at polishing up what looks like a cheap film (again, not hating, but by Hollywood standards - that's what it is).
But I will give credit to where it's due and say that for what they paid for, the art design is very solid, the acting is surprisingly good (for what it is), and the cinematography looks decent. Trailer was well put together too, but also feels like they tried too hard at polishing up what looks like a cheap film (again, not hating, but by Hollywood standards - that's what it is).

I agree with you, except that maybe they should have hired actual actors instead of casting Nightwish..? But then I guess that was the point? To be in a movie they created? I don't know. For some reason, seeing the band in there feels a little cheesy.

Then again, I love cheesy shit so we'll see. I might love the hell out of this movie.
I agree with you, except that maybe they should have hired actual actors instead of casting Nightwish..? But then I guess that was the point? To be in a movie they created? I don't know. For some reason, seeing the band in there feels a little cheesy.

Then again, I love cheesy shit so we'll see. I might love the hell out of this movie.

i thought it was just me who thought that the members of the bands should not have been in the movie.
All of this.

I feel like if they wanted to do this right, they should have contacted Guillermo Del Toro. I'm usually a big fan of these sorts of movies, but the acting doesn't look too good right now. I'm still gonna watch it, I feel like they deserve a chance, so we'll see.

good luck even trying to get Del Toro....that man has so many projects and stuff in development he would get around to it in 2040 maybe. Plus he is a great visualist but cant tell a solid story. The only real good movies he did were Blade 2 and The Devil's Backbone.
good luck even trying to get Del Toro....that man has so many projects and stuff in development he would get around to it in 2040 maybe. Plus he is a great visualist but cant tell a solid story. The only real good movies he did were Blade 2 and The Devil's Backbone.

WHAT??!! Pan's Labyrinth is among the greatest movies ever made in my opinion. Brillant story, acting, visuals, everything is way above the high mark. I would also argue that Cronos is highly under rated as is Hellboy II, Luke Goss works very well with Del Toro and did as good a job with Prince Nuada as he did with Jared Nomak.
Yeah.. huge fan of just about all of Del Toro's stuff. Pan's Labrynth, The Devil's Backbone, Orphanage.. even Hellboy 2. Some of my favorite movies, right there.
Amon Amarth just put out a wine recently, too. I can't say I'm excited about bands slapping their logo on mediocre wine and pitching it as something special, but I'm sure people will buy it.

Truth is, I'd buy Nightwish's wine just because the grapes are Spanish and I have an obvious bias toward wine from Spain.

..but I'll buy Hammerfall's wine because IT'S HAMMERFALL.