cheers you lot,
first of all, im sorry for not having posted a thing over the last weeks but here in germany i have PLENTY to do (civil service, preparing my studies, private life, etc.) this will get better in about 2 weeks so expect some "board flooding" then
however i have some things to say/announce:
1.) happy birthday @ Constantine!
2.) @ the one of you responsible for the IMG website. i will have even more webspace soon (end of june/beginning of july) then i can offer the IMG about 150-200 MB! plus i will have more transfer bandwidth then
bad news however: my current domain isp is **** we had downtimes nearly every day over the last few weeks and now i will change the domain isp: however i will have to wait til june 10th to be able to take the domain with me! so any website updates etc will have to wait - im sorry 
good news however: you can now use PHP4, PHP3, Python and more. this will make web design more powerful 
so hope to hear from ya all again soon,
first of all, im sorry for not having posted a thing over the last weeks but here in germany i have PLENTY to do (civil service, preparing my studies, private life, etc.) this will get better in about 2 weeks so expect some "board flooding" then

however i have some things to say/announce:
1.) happy birthday @ Constantine!
2.) @ the one of you responsible for the IMG website. i will have even more webspace soon (end of june/beginning of july) then i can offer the IMG about 150-200 MB! plus i will have more transfer bandwidth then



so hope to hear from ya all again soon,