Immolation DVD

Spirit In Black

In Rapture, I'm Reborn
Feb 28, 2003
Southeast PA
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The new Immolation DVD was supposed to be released on the 27th, but I don't know where I can order it from. I checked a listenable records site but they don't have anything there. Can anyone help?
I actually got myslef a copy of the rough mix of this DVD... about four months ago... it is not on DVD format, but the concerts are sliced together onto a VHS... I do not know whaere the DVD can be purchased, but I got this from a friend.. it is a very good show, but unpolished...
Destroyer Of Orden said:
I actually got myslef a copy of the rough mix of this DVD... about four months ago... it is not on DVD format, but the concerts are sliced together onto a VHS... I do not know whaere the DVD can be purchased, but I got this from a friend.. it is a very good show, but unpolished...
Damn, you are lucky.
Here's an update from Listenable Records

"We would never think of writing such a thing one day , an act of God actually occured during the manufacturing process of the IMMOLATION DVD 'Bringing down the world'. We got DVDs that do not play on conventionnal dvd players whereas no problem was detected in the masters. So we have to manufacture the whole thing again !.
We sincerely apologize for this new delay. We can't tell any actual release date for this product as we don't want to look more silly than we already do but we know of some technicians that are seriously involved in solving this very very tricky technical problem and we'll update you as soon as we can. The dvd world is still virgin in some technical areas apparently for a lot of egg heads. We'll keep you posted.

In the meantime, Ross Dolan updated us about the writing of the new material for their upcoming album to be tentatively recorded in June with producer Paul Oforino in New York. The band is writing their most intense and fresh sounding dark death metal songs ever and it sounds extremely promising so far. IMMOLATION will keep blowing our heads off with their unique, and dissonant style.

We will also re-issue an album gathering all IMMOLATION demos from their early beginnings to their pre METAL BLADE period which should be released sometimes in July."
I'd quite like to pick it up as well. When I saw them live I couldn't hear a darn was such a bad sound....but meh, I love thier music so I guess a proper DVD release would have decent sound production. =)