Immolation re-release and DVD

Under a Stone

Nov 24, 2003
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The definite masters of pure , genuine and unhealthy death metal IMMOLATION are releasing their debut DVD on jan27, 2004.

IMMOLATION 's DVD is a very fan orientated product gathering several shows in support of their successful 2002 album 'Unholy cult'.
It features a show filmed in Amsterdam in the huge place of the ROCK HEINEKEN music hall in front of 3000 people, filmed with 7 cameras.
There's a lot of onstage footage so the viewer get to know how this armageddon gets conceived.
3 other bonus shows are included, more in a high quality sounding bootleg range :
- A raging gig in Paris where the audience goes totally beserk,
- songs from a show in Tilburg at the 013,
- and a very recent show filmed in Los Angeles at the Whisky Club where you can feel the crowd was definitely dedicated fans.

IMMOLATION are really masters in a live situation, they own a particular groove that few bands have ever approached. Interviews and backstage stuff are joined as well. Essential for fans of this fresh and unique sounding pure death metal band. Raw and REAL live !

IMMOLATION will also re-release the album 'Stepping on angels' on LISTENABLE with an entirely new packaging and unreleased bonuses in mid 2004 !. More news about this much sought after gem shortly."

Could this mean Immolation's out-of-print "Dawn of Possession" is going get remastered and re-released? i hope so