Immortal Souls - Ice Upon The Night


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
Immortal Souls - Ice Upon The Night
Fear Dark Records – FD010 – October 2003
By Russell Garwood

Immortal Souls hail from Finland, and traverse numerous themes, all heavily inspired by their homeland’s icy climate. This “winter metal” is, in fact, solo-heavy, melodic death metal, with occasional black touches. The band consists of vocalist/guitarists E. Särkioja and Pete Loisa, A. Särkioja on bass, and Jupe Hakola on drums. The music is well performed; aggressive yet melodic leads are supported by harsher rhythm guitars, and the growls are higher pitched than is the normal for death. The bass is not hugely prominent, but serves its purpose, while the drums are proficient, if nothing new. Clean vocals contributed by guest musician Kimmo Pulkkinen add a differt feel to some of the songs, under which acoustics are used to good effect.

“Ice Upon The Night” is a good album; my greatest criticism would be the relative unoriginality of the music. The band are clearly competent musicians, and their songwriting is also of a high standard, yet this only makes them an accomplished melodic death group. I look forward to hearing future work and development, as Immortal Souls have the talent to do something new and original. Despite my reservations, melodic death fans are likely to enjoy the group’s efforts
I must say, I loved their first album, "Under the Northern Sky," which I feel is superior to "Ice" in every way. "Ice" seems like such a step backward for them. The songs are simpler and have less variety, and are just boring compared to their first album. Not to say that their first album was terribly original, but it had better, more memorable songs. This album is so generic and plain the whole way through, I can't find any reason why I'd want to listen to it again other than to "give it another shot." They had a lot of potential and I really don't feel they put themselves to it for this album. Maybe next time.