Immortal's guitar work...simple?


Apr 26, 2001
Me and a friend got into this argument about Immortal's riffing being simple, relative to a band like Arch Enemy...except when I watch both guitarists play (say...on songs like Cursed Realms of the Winterdemons, Sons of the Northern Darkness, or Withstand the Fall of Time), Abbath is working the frett board way more than Mike or Chris just on rythm.

So, is Immortal's guitar work more simple than Arch Enemy?
Abbath is, live at least, compensating for the lack of rhythm guitar by playing mainly the lead and implementing in pieces of the rhythm. Abbath is an extremely accomplished guitarist.
i am firmly convinced that immortal sucks the big one. their music in general seems to be simple, boring and bland.

but then again, thats my opinion on most black metal hehehe.

id definatly say arch enemy has better guitar work
I also cant stand arch enemy or there guitar players.

I much more prefer immortal, and immortals riffs might not be very tech bassed but they sound good.
arch enemy are amazing and have amazing guitarists. immortal also kick ass their riffs are not the most technical but they are bloody good riifs and leads and he is one damn good guitarist. and no offense genocide roach you say immortal are bland and boring yet you listen to death metal which has some really dull lifeless bands(not all some of them kick ass)
Sort of off topic, but does anyone know how he gets his clean tone? It's one of the most haunting and awsome clean tone's I've ever heard. I'm assuming a lot of chorus and reverb, but amp wise, anyone know what he uses?
I used to think Immortal had simple guitar riffs, but then after listening to "In My Kingdom Cold" i noticed he is playing a difficult thing while singing. he starts off with that riff. I dont find them boring at all. Arch Enemy is good too. the really fast solo on Ravenous ripped me a new asshole. im a fan of both, plus they are such different genres.