Impaled Death After Life
Century Media Records CD8151-2 March 8th, 2005
By Jason Jordan
Jumping from label to label are Californians Impaled. Following a short stint with Death Vomit Records and Necropolis Records, the band decided to rest under the colossal, Century Media Records umbrella. So, how does Death After Life fare? Its actually pretty disappointing, Im afraid to report.
Before green-lighting the skit tracks such as Goreverture, Theatre of Operations, The Dead Shall Remain Dead, and Coda Morte someone (anyone) shouldve told the group how hideous they are. The voice actors are terrible, and theres an overload of jargon that is more irritating than impressive. Its not all bad, though, as the death metal purveyors continually spew forth gore-related song after gore-related song. Originality is basically nil, but compositions like Critical Condition and Gutless are slightly amusing. The different, vocal takes are nice additions as well. I do have qualms with the production, however. It just sounds sloppy and each instrument blends in with one another, which unintentionally composes a disorienting mess. In other words, I wanted to be able to distinguish guitar from bass, bass from drums, et cetera; you wont believe how difficult it is to do that at times. Ultimately, I cant figure out why anyone would choose Death After Life over any of the remarkable, death albums that have been released in the lingering months.
In conclusion, Impaleds latest is relatively innocuous, but its weaknesses far outweigh its strengths. With so much quality radiating from myriad labels, is there room in your CD collection for yet another average release?
Official Impaled website
Official Century Media Records website
Century Media Records CD8151-2 March 8th, 2005
By Jason Jordan

Jumping from label to label are Californians Impaled. Following a short stint with Death Vomit Records and Necropolis Records, the band decided to rest under the colossal, Century Media Records umbrella. So, how does Death After Life fare? Its actually pretty disappointing, Im afraid to report.
Before green-lighting the skit tracks such as Goreverture, Theatre of Operations, The Dead Shall Remain Dead, and Coda Morte someone (anyone) shouldve told the group how hideous they are. The voice actors are terrible, and theres an overload of jargon that is more irritating than impressive. Its not all bad, though, as the death metal purveyors continually spew forth gore-related song after gore-related song. Originality is basically nil, but compositions like Critical Condition and Gutless are slightly amusing. The different, vocal takes are nice additions as well. I do have qualms with the production, however. It just sounds sloppy and each instrument blends in with one another, which unintentionally composes a disorienting mess. In other words, I wanted to be able to distinguish guitar from bass, bass from drums, et cetera; you wont believe how difficult it is to do that at times. Ultimately, I cant figure out why anyone would choose Death After Life over any of the remarkable, death albums that have been released in the lingering months.
In conclusion, Impaleds latest is relatively innocuous, but its weaknesses far outweigh its strengths. With so much quality radiating from myriad labels, is there room in your CD collection for yet another average release?
Official Impaled website
Official Century Media Records website