Impaler....any fans here?


Sep 30, 2005
Anyone else here a fan of Impaler? Great classic metal from the 80's and are still going strong. I was lucky to be able to see them sadly in front of like 10 people. There were two other bigger shows going on the same night plus it was Halloween weekend as well. They do put on a hell of a show with lots of fighting and gore. They have a guy who just does backing vocals and runs around doing stuff to get the crowd going and stuff. Would love to see them at the fest one day.

here is a live the middle lots of fun action kicks in.

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Right on. Yeah I sadly saw them live a few years ago in front of like about 10 people too, and had to wait through a few shitty local acts, one of which featured a female vocalist that reminded me of mama cass meets the band Kitty. Yikes. Needless to say, that blew. Impaler was awesome though, got to talk to Bill Lindsey for awhile too after the set and got a photo with him. Super cool guy, too bad the city I live in sucks shit and they had a horrible turnout.
My memory of Impaler is that the local record store had a copy of If We Had Brains... that sat there for years. They sort of became the running joke band between me and my friends even though we had never heard them. When I finally did hear them I was underwhelmed, however I always enjoy seeing someone eat another person's intestines so bring them on!