Impious - Terror Succeeds


Not blessed, or merciful
Apr 11, 2001
Sarf Lundin, Innit
Impious - Terror Succeeds
Century Media - 2001
By Rodrigo


Thanks to the licensing deal that Century Media secured with Black Sun, Terror Succeeds, originally released in 2000, is finally released here in the US. Impious plays a brand of melodic death metal that is trashier and more brutal than bands like In Flames and Dark Tranquillity. Think of Impious as a mix of those two bands and Slayer. The end result is an excellent aggressive band that has come out with a great head banging album.

The first thing that I noticed about Impious is the excellent pounding drumming of Ulf Johansson. His relentless playing is powerful and dynamic and together with bassist Robin Sörqvist they create an excellent rhythmic backbone. Both Valle Adzic and Martin kesson, who also doubles as the singer, handle the trashy and crushing guitars, and they manage to create an intense wall of guitar sound.

The perfect example of what I am talking about is "Nuclear Storm Demise". It starts off with an excellent guitar riff that lasts for the first 30 seconds and then it just goes into overdrive with the intense guitars and drumming. I especially like the instrumental section (2: 35 – 2:58) where it first starts off really crunchy and heavy with excellent drumming and then it goes off into a cool melodic part. This is the song to check out if you are at all interested in Impious. "Dimension Hell" is everything the name implies. It is a rip-roaring attack of your musical senses. Another great song is "The Punishment", at times it has some slow parts but that doesn’t mean it lacks in power. It also features more melody than some of the other songs, as evidenced with a short acoustic interlude in the middle of the song and a great solo follows by Martin follows that part. Another song that features a similar acoustic section that is unexpected is "The Loss of Life". The song starts off with the usual intensity but at about 39 seconds into the song the acoustic interlude starts.

Martin’s singing molds perfectly with the music because it is just as raging and brutal as the music. But just like the music shows some creativity Martin will use a clean voice that is simply perfect "Terror God". But for those of you who might no like the use of those type of vocals, do not worry because those instances are few.

Impious has really surprised me with Terror Succeeds. I like the fact that they do not sound like most of the other melodic death metal bands. Their more brutal and trashier approach is a welcome sound and the instances where they show off some different musical and vocal aspects really add to their success. If you like this sort of music be sure to check out Impious.