Implosion Of Heaven Mp3's Ready To Download


New Metal Member
Mar 9, 2004

Well, What can i say. Here it is. Implosion Of Heaven! I know many people have waited to download the full thing....

I hope this link and file will work, its taken me 7 attampts to get it uploaded.

I guess SoB will upload the demo soon too, seen as how theres no point them just having the samples ;)

enjoy the demo, it fucking rocks

ps. Delt, your server rocks :D :D :wave:
it took me so long to upload it cause my cuteftp free trial had expired, so i ended up using some shitty ftp thing. it kept overwriting itself, and i dont have 56K i have isdn, :p

man....thanks thanks thanks!!!!
hugs to you and to delt... :D