Important - Event of the year - MEAT CAMP 2008

You two don't worry about bringing anything like food & drinks, we shall have plenty for you and we wouldn't want you getting pulled over with alcohol in the car. But bring tents and/or something to sleep upon, if you're going to be "camping". :p

Are you sure? :(

They have these giant nutria rats in the bayous of Houston we could hunt. They make fer' sum good eatin'.
Do they have nutrias in Dallas? I only ever see them in bayous. Do they have bayous in Dallas?

They're a disgusted but fascinating animal. Bigger than cats.
I don't think they exist.....

are the preorder for the MEAT CAMP 2008 still available?
i really want to be at the MEAT CAMP 2008.
With more meat you will beat the wacken heat :blush:
have a nice camp guys :)