Important - Event of the year - MEAT CAMP 2008

dude, if you think everyone dislikes him simply because he's bisexual or a little weird you're either a total fuckin idiot or just dont pay attention to ANYTHING AT ALL EVER.
Not framed, merely stupid. However, that crime doesn't seem worthy of a lifetime listing on the sex offender registry. However much of a creep he was I don't get the feeling he was a dangerous predator. Run-of-the-mill perv and shit poster 0/10.
Steverslapper and I have decided - if Rob Lowe is indeed at Scarborough Faire when we go, we're going to get him to play drums for us while we all bellydance. On video, of course.
Well let's see...we'll have several members of Towering Creepy Bastards, one member of Bat Castle. So...Towering Creepy Bat Castle? We can't build the stage until we buy tons of meat to build it with, obviously.