IMPORTANT message for bands playing the Halloween gig at McMurdo's!!


Dec 11, 2001
NF, Canada
Out of the bands playing the show someone will need to bring a drum kit. Noel's drum setup for Oberon, Exorcist and Asphyxiation won't be available for the other bands - sorry about that. So between the other band's playing that night you guys will need to work out who is bringing the drums!! Can someone in either Commoname or Embers Fade bring a set for both bands to use and let me know who that is ASAP.

The show will start at 8:30. Doors will open at 8pm. The first band to go on is Exorcist at 8:30. The times will have to be kept to because in the past things how gotten WAY out of hand and by the end of the night the bands were over 1 hour behind schedule. Since Noel has passed the reigns over to me for this show I'll be running a much tighter ship :)

Here are the times:

1. Exorcist (20min) - 8:30 to 8:50
15min break/setup time

2. Ember's Fade (30min) - 9:05 to 9:35
15min break/setup time

3. Commoname (30min) - 9:50 - 10:20
15min break/setup time

4. Oberon (90min) - 10:35 to 12:05AM
15min break/setup time

4. Asphxiation (90min) - 12:20AM until closing time.

If a band (for example) goes on 15mins ate, then their set will be 15 mins shorter! So please show up in plenty of time to make sure you're set to go. We are estimating 15mins setup time between bands. That should be enough to make sure things run on time. Each band will be told when their last song will be to make sure that no one runs overtime. We have to all be considerate of both the other bands and the people who come down to the show expecting bands to be on at certain times. I hope you're all cool with this. Personally my biggest problem with local gigs has not been the preparing but the execution of the show with times being off and things not staying on time. I've spoken to others who feel the same way, so hopefully this time things will run much smoother!

Just a suggestion, but why would you break down Noel's kit after Excorsist, set up and soundcheck a new kit for Embers Fade & CommonName, then set up Noel's kit again?

If you're looking for 15 mins setup time to do that, it ain't going to happen. The 2nd and 4th bands will be fucked for time.
TO answer your question, I'm not using a Regular drum kit for the show. It's gonna be a little bit different than normal. I doubt it very much if any one would be able to play it. You have to be use to it. Plus, it costs a great deal of money and can be easily damaged if you don't know what your at. No offence to the other drummers. You'll see what I'm talking about at the show. Plus it will be setup and left setup. With the special kit I don't need to tear it down. Its mounted on a rack system. I hope that answers your question.
