Important notice to all my subjects!


Heyoka watching Trona
Sep 18, 2003
directly under Ben
Visit site
Hi. :D

Wanna know how my day was?! ^.^

Well, it was up and down and up and down and up and down and up
and down....

and finally, ending the day on an UP! Woohoohoohoo!

Well, now i am enjoying the last of the vanilla coke and will be
calling it a night very soon. *blows kisses* anyone want to come
and read me a bedtime story?

Here, let me show you something.

*presses boob flat against web cam lens*

Would you like to pretend you're sucking on my nipple? Go ahead,
don't be timid. ;D

WOW, yeah, oohh, nice.

How about this?

*straddles web cam and squats over it closer and closer and
closer *tease!* 'till it's almost there, presses twat flat up
against web cam lens till it's squished and wrinkley.*

Would you like to pretend you're licking that? How about that
you're porkin' it?

Go ahead, don't be shy. Teehee!

OOOHHHHHHH! baby! baby! baby! baby!

Will you be my Sail'r ? Can I call you that? Now grip your craft tightly so the winds won't....oops! Thar she blows! Oh yeah!

You know what? I've gotta PEE.

can I hold it? Nope, I leaked on the web cam lens. oh, you won't mind my twat is sitting in a lit'l puddle of pee on this lens would you?
hehe, it's just lit'l 'ol mee! I do this kinda stuff. You love me, you know you do!