Last years PP horror story and a request to all attendees (important!)


oh noes!!
Jan 23, 2002
Columbia, SC, USA
Ok, first of all, let me tell you about what happened last year that nearly gave me a heart attack (well, not a literal one mind you, I'm still young!). This is a lengthy story, but I encourage all to read the whole thing because I believe it is something that everyone should be on the look out for:

As I do every year, I make pretty hefty purchases at the vendor tables. Ever since ProgPower 2 I have dumped quite a bit of cash on CD's/Shirts/etc., even when I had no job, I somehow managed to pull up enough cash for spending at PP. Last year I had worked my ass off for three months straight at Kohl's, a department store similar to Sears/JCPenny/etc. I hated working there, but I wanted to go to PP and be able to buy stuff.

So PP rolls around and my friends and I decide to only make a few purchases on Friday, because we were going to be front row on the rails for every band that night. That means that I would be making the majority of my purchases on Saturday. Due to the rule against back-packs, I was carrying around about 5 or 6 large bags. I also make purchases incrementally throughout the night. So some bags would end up in the seat next to David and some would end up next to my feet. So here I am, with tons of bags at my seat, and we're watching the last bit of Jorn's set and then the Hearing Aid number. The show ends on a great note! Nothing to worry about right? Right...

My best friend David is half asleep, no doubt completely exhausted from standing nearly 13 hours straight the previous night, exerting tons of energy. I was pretty tired myself. Palabra De Dios was a bit out of it as well. I always hang around after the show, saying my goodbyes and such. Palabra and David decided to go back to the hotel. On our way out of the amphitheatre area, David grabbed some of my bags (the ones next to him) and I grabbed the ones at my feet, and we made our way out of there. I told Palabra and David that I would return to the hotel shortly and we could get some food or sleep or whatever. They headed off and I stood around talking to people.

Pellaz (Paul C)'s phone rings about 15 minutes later, and it's David asking to speak to me (I didn't own a cell phone at the time).

David: "Hey man, do you have my stuff in your bags?"

Me: "One sec let me look"

Me: *rummaging through bags*

Me: "Nope, it's in the bags you took, the one with my Therion DVD" (Note that I was so happy about getting this DVD at the show)

David: "I don't see it here, let me call you back"

I have a look of horror slipping into my face no doubt. I explain the current situation to Paul C. and the others around me, Aki may have been there as well, Julien too? There were quite a few people around. They all agree with my "Oh my fuck" sentiment. Paul's phone rings again.

David: "Dude it's not here anywhere..."

Me: "Dude, are you serious? Don't mess with me about this."

David: "I'm being dead serious dude, it's not here anywhere"

I ask David to look for things that I KNOW are in those bags

David: "None of that is here"

Me: "Ok, I'll call you back ASAP"

I then tell everyone what has happened. I then realize that in David's sleepiness, some of the bags might still be inside of the venue (and worse, potentially in someone else's hands now!) I then start to think about all the various scenarios this may cause. That is at least $200 worth of merch...gone. This is a feeling I wish upon noone!

So now what?

We can't get back into the venue, so how do I even check the seats?? Paul calls one of his friends who is still inside of the venue. He asks his friend to look around for my bags and I try to explain where we were as best as I could. However, I wanted to go for myself because I knew exactly where I was sitting. We get a call back, no sign of a bag. This is getting ultra-depressive. All I can hope now is that a fellow forum member found the bag, and is honest, and maybe if I make a post on the boards when I get home, the bag will be found and returned to me.

I am also slightly miffed at David at this point because he wasn't paying complete attention (I did not blame him directly or anything, I should have checked around too because they were my bags, but they were next to him and I thought he had everything).

Just then, we get a phone call from Paul's friend saying he saw something in the stands and was going to check it out. This brought me a glimmer of hope. Five minutes later, he and Katie (mtndewqueen88) walked out of the doors with my bags. Katie didn't quite understand what had happened (which I did explain to her later). I was so happy and relieved.

Now, for those that know me, I am always down for a joke or prank (or lying outright for a few minutes to make people think that I am not). I decided to make David pay just a little bit for what happened. I called him back and told him that they wouldn't let me in the building, and the guy Paul had asked to look for the stuff found nothing! I am an ass sometimes (actually, quite a lot!).

After spending about 20 more minutes with everyone, I told them I would meet up with them at the Granada but I was going to go back to the Residence and drop off all my stuff and see if David or Palabra wanted to come out. I went back and burst in on them with my bags.

David: "I should have known, you fucker!"

Me: "I couldn't help myself, you have no idea what I went through down there!"

David: "That's alright, we were all depressed up here because it was such a great weekend and this was going to bring it down considerably"

Palabra: "Hell yeah, you got the stuff then!"

Me: "Yeah, I was scared as shit though"

I proceeded to fill all the gaps in for them in the story.

Now, this story did end happily for me, but it could have easily went the other way! I ask in a most serious manner, that everyone find a way to tag their bags with some kind of information. I also ask that everyone on the forums be as honest as I hope you to be, and that if you find a bag on Friday or Saturday night, to post on the forums to let everyone know you found a bag (but don't post the contents...ask the person who is trying to get the bag from you to say whats in it). If we really are a family, then we need to watch out for each other for things like this.

I saw Glenn's post about allowing Day Packs. I hope that this is another word for Backpack/Bookbags, as that would have probably averted the whole situation that day (and it's just a hell of a lot easier than lugging tons of bags).

Will see you all in a week and a few days!
Wow, I'd forgotten about that bit of last-year's drama. I'm glad it DID end happily, but it coulda been a lot different.

But, if there's any concertgoing community that would look out for eachother's stuff, it's this one. :kickass: (The tricky part would have been getting the bag back to its rightful owner.)
The best advice I could give anyone worried about this kind of scenario is to simply make your purchases, bring them back to the hotel, drop them off and come back to the venue. If your hotel is too far, ask a friend to hold them who is staying nearby. Forget about being on the rails - it may be fun for a year or something, but is so overrated when you factor in everything this festival has to offer. Meeting people, hanging out, going to the bathroom, getting food, drinks when you want, running into band members, etc. - almost all of this is missed out on (or made much more uncomfortable) by wanting to stay on the rail all night. Plus, there are great vantage points from almost everywhere. I've been doing this for years and it flat out works great.

But hey, to each their own.

I think this crowd is pretty honest. My lost posters from PPV (Kamelot and PoS) were never recovered, but that only amounted to a few dollars lost (and I was more upset about not having the wall decorations than about the money), nowhere near a multi-hundred dollar loss, but the incident of losing things that you paid for definitely bites down on your ability to enjoy the weekend. I guess we all just have to be careful and watchful of our hauls.
Aw Justin I do remember that story! I'm so glad that everything working out, and I think labeling your bags with your name/forum username/email address etc is a great idea once your loot grows to the multi-hundred dollar point.
<snip>Forget about being on the rails - it may be fun for a year or something, but is so overrated when you factor in everything this festival has to offer. Meeting people, hanging out, going to the bathroom, getting food, drinks when you want, running into band members, etc. - almost all of this is missed out on (or made much more uncomfortable) by wanting to stay on the rail all night. Plus, there are great vantage points from almost everywhere. I've been doing this for years and it flat out works great.

But hey, to each their own.


Not to mention, everything sounds MUCH better from farther back. I've never understood the fascination with being up that close... like jason said, to each their own. Personally most of the enjoyment of this festival comes from all the things jason mentioned, not just the music.
you can label all you want....basically it boils down to the person who finds your stuff. I cant stand a thief. To me, they are one of the lower forms of life but the hard reality is that you can have you perfect community in progpower but there will always be one person who isnt part of that group who will steal. Think about it...ever have a party and people you dont know show up and you start wondering...are they going to take anything? It happens.

What it boils down to...figure out a plan one poster it back to your hotel room and then come back. At least you can then have fun and not worry about your stuff. I did that three years in a row at the Milwaukee Metalfest. it worked out great. I was able to buy everything I wanted and put it in my car and then enjoy the rest of the night.
Not to mention, everything sounds MUCH better from farther back. I've never understood the fascination with being up that close... like jason said, to each their own. Personally most of the enjoyment of this festival comes from all the things jason mentioned, not just the music.

I was fortunate enough to be up front for Angra at Prog Power VI. That was the most glorious concert going moment for me since I first saw Rush when II was 16 years old. Everything was perfect! Including the setlist. When they whipped out "Never Understand".... :loco:

Of the 50+ performances I've seen at Prog Powers over the years, Angra at PP VI was the single best. If you disagree, then just tell me I'm only saying that because I was up front :)
but is so overrated when you factor in everything this festival has to offer [...] going to the bathroom

:lol::lol: I'm sorry, but this statement just made me crack up. I know what you meant, but the way this was phrased and the way I read it, I just laughed so hard thinking about considering using the restroom as a benefit of attending ProgPower. :loco:

All joking aside, it is important to keep a close eye on your merch and personal belongings, make sure someone else you trust is, or have another good plan like taking it back to your hotel or that of someone you trust. Not that merch is the most important part of the fest, but it is a major bummer to shell out a bunch of cash for CDs, Tee's, etc. all to have it wasted.
I just laughed so hard thinking about considering using the restroom as a benefit of attending ProgPower. :loco:

huh? that's why I go, too. Their bathrooms are spotless and they have a guy to hand you the soap, and dry your hands after you wash up... whereas my bathroom is messy and has hair all over the floor.

I think that guy will even wipe for you -- for the right tip. :lol:

All kidding (or is it?) aside... maybe Center Stage should put in some coin-operated storage lockers, like they have at the airport.
All kidding (or is it?) aside... maybe Center Stage should put in some coin-operated storage lockers, like they have at the airport.

Wow, they still have those at airports? I thought they'd all been taken out. ("Have a hankering to bomb the airport? Just drop your timed detonation device in this handy locker.....")
Wow, they still have those at airports? I thought they'd all been taken out. ("Have a hankering to bomb the airport? Just drop your timed detonation device in this handy locker.....")

Ya. I don't know of any at Hartsfield.
I think this thread wouldve been alot simpler if you said

"Dont forget your shit in the venue"


Heh... I was just thinking the same thing. "Don't leave important shit lying around unattended". Still, I could never understand how after spending that much on CD's, DVD's, shirts, whatever... one could just casually walk around with it all night, or leave it on a seat next to someone. While my ProgPower CD purchasing has dropped off a fair bit in recent years, in 2001 and 2002 at least, I spent over $800 buying CD's from vendors. I also made purchases incrementally, as Justin mentioned, not just one massive shopping trip. But I always went back and dropped off my bags in my hotel room or in the car (depending on what the situation was that year). Hanging out all night with my bags was not something I even considered doing. I just hate being weighed down with a bunch of stuff when I'm trying to watch a show. Also, I don't want to be distracted with being concerned about whether my stuff is going to get lost, stolen, or damaged. Realistically, I think the vast majority of people reading this forum have a hotel room, car, or friend's hotel room close enough by that the situation Justin described should be easy to avoid.
The best advice I could give anyone worried about this kind of scenario is to simply make your purchases, bring them back to the hotel, drop them off and come back to the venue. If your hotel is too far, ask a friend to hold them who is staying nearby. Forget about being on the rails - it may be fun for a year or something, but is so overrated when you factor in everything this festival has to offer. Meeting people, hanging out, going to the bathroom, getting food, drinks when you want, running into band members, etc. - almost all of this is missed out on (or made much more uncomfortable) by wanting to stay on the rail all night. Plus, there are great vantage points from almost everywhere. I've been doing this for years and it flat out works great.

But hey, to each their own.


QFT! Well put! I can understand wanting to be close to the front during some of the bands, but I have no desire to be right on the rail. Nor do I have a desire to endure the torture that comes with maintaining that spot :zombie: