Important Plz Read Orphaned Land


New Metal Member
Nov 13, 2004
hey my name is EdDY i'm from lebanon...first of all i wanna tell u that u ROCK!!! ur the greatest band ever....second i wanna tell u that all thow ur website is the best site i ever seen yet u have sum mistakes in the page The Band---Line Up...y'all rote Favourite and its righten Favorite :blush: sorry i hade to tell!....PS i would love to buy the real Cd not the fake but i cant because our countries r at war :loco: i cant buy anything online from ur site i tryed ones the next day the local police called my home and sed that i would be arrested if i try to buy sumting from israel again!!.....PLZPLZPZ try to come to lebanon or syria or turkey so i can go with all my freinds to see u :rock: :rock: :rock: U R BY FAR THE BEST BAND EVER :worship:
I agree, Orphaned Land are amazing and the website is brilliant too... That's terrible about the police though!

EdDY866 said:
y'all rote Favourite and its righten Favorite
Favorite is US English
Favourite is GB English

Both are right ;)
Welcome in ed!!
im sorry to tell you but so far israelis are not allowed (and they better now) visiting Syria/ Lebanun..

Inshalla some day we'll see teh band performing there !
EdDY866 said:
PLZPLZPZ try to come to lebanon or syria or turkey so i can go with all my freinds to see u QUOTE] can still go to see OL live in Turkey......
at the end of the month.....(for 2 gigs)....
see the site for details.....
Originally posted by Folklore
im sorry to tell you but so far Israelis are not allowed (and they better now) visiting Syria/ Lebanon..
Inshalla some day we'll see teh band performing there !

inshalla they won't.

Originally posted by Morticia NL.
Every time I hear or read about stuff like this- it really shocks me. Since I live in a country were everyone has a lot of personal freedom, I cannot begin to imagine what life is like if you do not have that. I am really sorry to hear about it.

well I think most of the world today even here in Syria, and arab contries and modern world miss understand freedom in it's real meaning, freedom have rules to control, there is nothing called ultimate freedom.
Every country has a situation that force it's leaders to behave in a certain way to devolope his country, may be this way looks bad to others ... but they are looking from their side, if you lived here, you would find that giving such freedom isn't possible at this stage, specially if you are dealing with an enemy (Israel- not OL).

I have to comment that dealing with Jews is something legal, in Islam, in Syria, in all the Arab countries, there isn't any problem dealing with Jews, and there are many of them here in Syria too, and in all the Arab world, no problem, but the problem is dealing with an enemy whoever was he.

and Morticia NL. I don't think that you will deal your country enemy, just like you wouldn't deal with your own enemy or will you :err:

and if you really want to see OL live do as RashomoN, why not, I think I will do this myself next year, they play great music, the band members them self are great, they present the unity of cultures, and I like the guys over here and I would like to meet the guys who hang around, so why not

Originally posted by RashomoN can still go to see OL live in Turkey......
at the end of the month.....(for 2 gigs)....
can sumbody help me i need to create a song i have made sum lyrics...i geuss....but i cant create sumthing on my guitar to go with it....can any body help me ?!?!??