important problem with Nick 7170 amp sim

Sep 15, 2008
i´ve a important problem with this plugin.
when i load 4 instances it works perfect but when i load more 4 instances (5,6,7...) and i play nuendo play buttom the sound begin to cut itself and it sounds pitch shifted. why?
if i load for example nick 8505 it works well.

i love 7170 and i´d to solve this problem.
time back, it worked perfectly.:(

here the fail (first with 4 instances and then 5)
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what extrange... (i´ve a QUAD Core CPU)

i open 15 "nick crow 8505" instances and this is CPU:

and 5!! instances of nick crow 7170:

before I did not have that problem...



I can open 5 instances of 7170 on my dual core AMD in Reaper with no problems.

Maybe you have some "high quality" option turned on in Nuendo.

Or maybe it doesn't take full advantage of all 4 cores ?

Or maybe your pc catched some cpu eating virus ?
i think i solved the problem.
when i install Cubase, in VST Audiobay expert options, Cubase default are:

(with multi processor)

i noticed in Nuendo Multi Processor was deactivated...
could be that the main reason?
Well, you could always ask Steinberg. Oh, wait, screw that, there's a little blue symbol in your system tray that doesn't make that a good idea. ;)
Well, you could always ask Steinberg. Oh, wait, screw that, there's a little blue symbol in your system tray that doesn't make that a good idea. ;)

i think problem is solved. in my original cubase :)rock:) those 3 options are activated but in Nuendo Multi-processor was unactived.
now, it works like Cubase.;)
cubase and nundo are similar but i don´t know the reason, but i prefer Nuendo.:loco:
there are CPU usage problems with the 7170. i don't know exactly what is going on, but sometimes when i use it, it'll behave itself, and then, at random, CPU usage will more than quadruple, and then it'll start stuttering. it is *really* annoying. i also get this with soloc.