Problem with my schecter


Mar 30, 2005
I've bought a schecter c1 elite from ebay. After a month it arrived and it is perfect. But there is a problem...I've changed the strings and when I play from fret 12 to 24, they touch the fretboard...but there is'nt a "buz" like when I play with a very low action...I think it's a neck "problem".
The guy sent me the guitar with loosened string...and I think the neck has arranged badly after a month.
Do you think I should try to adjust the truss road (with little steps) or it's a better idea to bring the guitar to the guitar tech?
Thank you :erk:
I'd say either learn how it works first or bring it to a tech.

I did a complete set up on my Jackson Rhoads, which I bought second hand, after making sure I had done enough research. I read some thorough walkthroughs on complete guitar setup written by guitar techs. I had to buy some feeler gauges.

It's not rocket science, although I'm sure getting it PERFECT is an art and takes lots and lots of practise. If you're careful and patient you can get it pretty good yourself. I actually enjoyed doing it. On the other hand I can see why most people can't be bothered with it and have a pro do it for them.

*All of the above is assuming that there is no serious problem with the neck.*
Ok...i've read a lot of guides written by guitar techs but I have some doubts regarding my problem...
I don't know if I've explained well my problem... do you have some idea regarding that?
I'm no tech by anymeans but the guy who does my axes was a roadie for some big name metal bands...he told me once that any buzz below the 12th fret was a truss rod adjustment and anything 12-24 is an adjustment(raising or lowering) to the bridge.
Uhm....I think the neck without strings folds in back bow position (if I'm not wrong). If I turn clockwise, the neck should be still folded more in back bow...
take it down to a trustworthy tech, and have him take a look at it. someone who really knows necks and trussrod adjustments should be able to site the problem a matter of seconds.