
another reason that columbus is credited is that he was part of the mainstream, what with funding from the spanish royalty and all. the vikings were seperated from the bulk of europe by land and sea and cultural differences and their communication with the people who wrote the history books was probably not very well established. Evidence of viking north american voyages has been difficult to find and uncertain. it is widely accepted by the scientific community that the norse were in america far before the european colonizers, not to mention greenland and iceland, whose native languages of the modern people are very similar to old norse and they still carry their culture (even though much of it has been taken from the youth my mtv and addidas), and the ancient Eddas were found there. also, the wild horses that live in iceland are most certainly descended from the ones brought by the vikings, though they are now stunted and small from inbreeding and called "icelandic ponies" even though they are technically horses. Actually, many historians (and my spanish teacher) suspect that the aztec god Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent who came from the sea, is a deified viking explorer. From that it is suggested that the vikings could have voyaged not only to greenland, iceland, and nova scotia, but all the way down the atlantic coasts of america (including what is now mexico) and possibly even into central/south america. fascinating, yes?

really i wouldnt say that 'columbus's discovery of america' was a lie, the spaniards\french\english didnt know it was there so he discovered it for them, and besides, Oakenspear, you make it sound like some evil cover up but you also say you learned about north american viking exploration in school. eh?
M. said:
Actually, many historians (and my spanish teacher) suspect that the aztec god Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent who came from the sea, is a deified viking explorer. From that it is suggested that the vikings could have voyaged not only to greenland, iceland, and nova scotia, but all the way down the atlantic coasts of america (including what is now mexico) and possibly even into central/south america. fascinating, yes?

That's a highly debated rumor, the largest consensus seems to be that Quetzalcoatl was an untangible mythological character and that Cortez fullfilled their false prophest of his return.
Dont got much to contribute to that argue about who discovered america. Doesnt matter much cuz its well known now, no?
Anyway, I just noticed how many responds got that very post that speaks about the fact that vikings discovered america in 1000 ad. Good for them....
This thread is kind of pointless.... even if the question of how the hell does it connect to AA is put aside....
well maybe some people are uhhh interested in history :O
M. said:
well maybe some people are uhhh interested in history :O

No doubt, some are intersted in history. Hell, I'm a fond of history myself. What I was trying to say that many many of the historical detail dont mean much today.
M. said:
well maybe some people are uhhh interested in history :O

I like history more than "Im posting this cause im bored, i dont even know who or what Amon Amarth is, Cheers."...

It seems like I'm not the only one.
Yeah and always CHEERS what a fucking blasphemic thing to write on a computer get your real goddamn beer and drink with real fucking friends