Improved my sound. What do you think? (Metalcore)

Aug 9, 2010
Hey guys,

I finally produced a new band after a very long break I had to take. But this break done something good to me I guess. I improved my overall mixing stragedy, sound and skills I guess. Though the band is a noob metal band, pretty young guys (around 17) that I had to trim a lot, the final product is coming out relatively nice.

I'm not finished yet, but I just wanted to ask you what you think what I can still improve. I'm thinking more FX work would make them sound more "modern", but they don't want any synth stuff...

There are some editing things still not perfect, guess you will find that!
Sounds pretty good to me, dude. The vocals could go down a dB or so, but that's just me. I agree that some FX could add something to the mix, make them sound a little less 'generic', but that's also just me.
Thanks sopulurn. Yeah thats what I thought when I listened to it with fresh ears today. I put a light deesser the voice. But I don't know how to handle these OHs, as always. They are recorded in a nice sounding room with Neumann KM184, and I only processed them with an EQ (cutting below 500Hz and lowering everything from 2k to 6k) and the L2. There is no boosting or exciting in higher frequencies. And the strange thing is, that there is this little something that makes professional productions sound even more "crystal" without sounding as harsh as mine. This is really one thing, I am struggling with since forever. It is quiet subtle I guess. But as a sound guy your always seeking perfection! :D
you could try using a hardware eq or a plugin that emulates one, nice sounding eq's don't get as harsh as they saturate the sound slightly.

this might be self-explanatory for some but i've opened my eyes to this just recently so i thought to mention it. :D
Stillwell Vibe EQ is free to try and gets some praise. I personally really like 6144 by DDMF which is pretty cheap as well and is based on Neve. really pristine highs on that one imo