Improving timing - Doubling

I play to the first take with click, most of the time drums, too.
If I record the second take and leave it in the center and the first take, too
I am able to hear my mistakes better (if the first take is good).
I won't hear mistakes or not as good If I pan the to tracks differently or mute the first take.
Not sure why, but that's the best way for me.

When I am tracking bass it doesn't matter to me, there's no difference if I am tracking just to a click or to drums, click and guitars.
because of this thread I spent over an hour just playing to the click yesterday. My timing has been shit for a while. I find 8th note clicks easier to play to, or doubling the tempo.

The default click in Reaper is TERRIBLE, good thing they let you use 2 other samples.
I track Bass first, make sure that is tight as hell, then start to layer the guitars. Most of my productions are quad tracked, so I definitely can't hear all the guitars at once. It takes forever, but the results are usually better than playing to guitar tracks.

I'm new here, and since it's all metal here, I may be home here.
I pretty much always record to a backing track of drums and bass guitar, 'cus thats what I practice with. I also think it helps when your recording a lot of fast palm mutes along with a fast double kick pattern, you can concentrate on the fast kicks to keep in time, instead of a click every crotchet or quaver beat. I suppose you could set the metronome to play faster notes, but if you have a lot of time signature changes (which I do), the click can put you off.
Honestly, I never really understood why anyone would want to track their guitars to a click. IMO by playing to the click, there's little chance you will be able to "lock" in with the drums, unless they are perfectly on the click (...and nothing screams "drumcomputer" like that).
Nooooooooooooo, I totally agree, I HATE hearing the first take simultaneously, cuz I can't focus on what I'm playing or hear if there are any little mistakes I'm making. I usually track just to the click, sometimes to drums, but NEVER with another guitar!

yeah, makes it impossible to hear the little nuances in your playing, then you end up with sloppy mush.

I have tried recording riffs to a click (no drums) then recording drums to that, didnt work out too well.