Improving tone/mix

The guitar sound is proper. Everything else could use work though. Personally I would low cut those guitars and LOWER THE VOLUME on them. It'll make your guitars sound a lot better. :) Compare your mix to some professional mixes and you'll hear what should be louder and what shouldn't.
I guess the guitars are a bit loud. When you say low cut, do you mean add more bass to the guitar sound? Sorry, I'm a noob with EQ. Thanks for the help.
I loved the playing style...I am 32 and hearing old school thrash kinda riffs around here is surprising :) Can you share the Lecto and Impulse settings?
Hey, I'm 32 too and love playing thrash stuff. I used the guitar hack "Between Straight -10" along with the TS-999 tube screamer. Drive to 0 and tone and level in the middle. Here is a screen cap of the lecto settings.
