Rate my guitar tone


Dec 11, 2010
Any feedback is appreciated. Let me know what do you think about it. :popcorn:

Signal chain:

Schecter C7 Blackjack ATX > BBE Green Screamer > ENGL e530 > Apogee One > Logic Pro > Recabinet 2 (Mesa 57 edge + Orange 421 edge)

To me the guitars are little too loud. But compared to the cymbals they are good so I would bring my snare and kick up to compensate and let the guitars fall back into place. Guitar tone is decent. A little hint of "digital" going on there but not too bad. I would also bring the bass up just a hair too.
Thanks guys. There's no post processing on guitars and I made them loud on purpose. Normally I do a lot of EQ on guitars to make them sound decent but this time there was no need. I'm experimenting with contour switch on e530, which I never used and didn't like before, but I think it sounds more natural.