ENGL e530 + Impulses

Oh man, that contour sounds MEAN. Based on the description in the manual, I wasn't sure if I'd like it or not, but yeah, it's good stuff. Also, the gain definitely sounds much clearer and tighter with no TS. I'm really digging the character of this thing... might have to pick one up after I get rid of my 5150 combo!

Would it be possible to do a clip using the same impulses and settings as your last one, except with the contour out?
Just listening to these I'm getting pretty excited about our options for the next album. I think these clips sound a tad bit overgained still, but the riff already sounds a hundred times better than our original PODxT tracks.

Can't wait to play with it this weekend...
so Kazrog do you think it'll end up on the next album?

Im really diggin the tone your getting , Is there anyway you could post a clip with just double tracking? personaly i know im never gonna quad track it'd be cool to hear it the way i would use it ya know?

oh and one last question is it posible to run the engl into another amp but using the only the engl as the pre amp?

Cheers dude :kickass:
so Kazrog do you think it'll end up on the next album?

That's the idea. I'm making my band the guinea pig / proof of concept for the idea that direct tone can be a totally viable alternative to real miked up cabs, and sound just as good if not better!

Im really diggin the tone your getting , Is there anyway you could post a clip with just double tracking? personaly i know im never gonna quad track it'd be cool to hear it the way i would use it ya know?

In due time, my friend. Cubase arrives at my house in a few hours, and once I get my sessions migrated from Pro Tools to Cubase I will be posting more clips. I will say that this sounds just as good double-tracked or even single-tracked as it does quad-tracked though! The main reason for quad tracking is the subtle variation, so who knows, the next Backmask album may end up being double-tracked rhythms. A lot of experiments will be done and the results will be posted here!

oh and one last question is it posible to run the engl into another amp but using the only the engl as the pre amp?

For sure, the easiest way is to use the clean channel of your amp and set all the EQ knobs on your amp in the middle. Getting an ENGL power amp is probably the best approach though - I'm sure the e530 paired with an ENGL power amp would be absolutely devestating! Haven't tried it as I don't have an ENGL power amp... but I'm sure it would rule!!

Overall I've never been this happy with my guitar tone ever. This is one of my favorite gear purchases I've made and I'd recommend it to any guitarist regardless of musical style. I'll be posting some cleans, leads, stratocaster clips, etc. as I go along. I can't wait to dial in some Eric Johnson and SRV style big-as-Texas tones with this thing!!!
sounds good bro! :Smokin:

Im looking forward to hearing the new stuff i really like the stuff on your site.

I just looked round the back of my spider valve and it has a power amp out , that sounds like it could be the way for engl tone. I just got an engl 4x12 and it fucking kills i just want everything engl!!! haha

btw id love to know your opinion of cubase once you get it.
so Kazrog do you think it'll end up on the next album?

Im really diggin the tone your getting , Is there anyway you could post a clip with just double tracking? personaly i know im never gonna quad track it'd be cool to hear it the way i would use it ya know?

oh and one last question is it posible to run the engl into another amp but using the only the engl as the pre amp?

Cheers dude :kickass:

You can insert it to the fx loop and bypass the amps preamp completely. This way it would be like plugging it to the poweramp. The presence control is usually on the poweramp so you would have the possibility to use the presence from the amp you are using. If there is one.
yeah I think he used the krank revolution for the poweramp but a mesa cab. I think it's the traditional one not the oversized but i'm not completely sure.
Hey Kazrog, Great sound. I'm looking for a new preamp and this seems like a nice one. Cheap too.
One question, how is the MIDI implemented on this thing? Do program changes switch the channels or does it work some other way?