First test using Engl e530 with impulses


how do clip woodz ?
Dec 27, 2006
Hi, I've just received my engl e530 and I have been fooling around with this preamp.

So, here's a quick soundtest I did with my new gear,

gibson explorer gothic -> engl e530 -> m-audio 410 -> revalver mkIII (classic 30 poweramp) -> Excalibur impulse from guitarampmodeling forum -> hpf lpf, no eq, minor compression.


edit : mp3 version : 02_hydrohell engl530 2.mp3

tell me what you think about this one :)
Can you upload an mp3 by chance? Would make it easier for me and probably some others to listen to. (I don't have any programs that support .ogg)

Edit: Lol beat.
Sounds good... definitely a great tone from the e530, and I love the riffs. Make sure you sign up for the Recabinet list, we've been developing the impulse library with the e530 as our main preamp test unit.
Sounds good... definitely a great tone from the e530, and I love the riffs. Make sure you sign up for the Recabinet list, we've been developing the impulse library with the e530 as our main preamp test unit.


Nice, I already signed up. I cannot wait to see the first pack and also to tryout that "demo impulse" you talked about :rock:
Ok.. I have no idea what impulses are! :erk: Well... I do know it sounds brutal :rock:

I suggest you to do some reading here This will help you understand what are impulses and how to use them. Download and try out Revalver mkIII demo, you will figure out what are impulses and how to use them quickly :)
I suggest you to do some reading here This will help you understand what are impulses and how to use them. Download and try out Revalver mkIII demo, you will figure out what are impulses and how to use them quickly :)

Bad ass man! I'm all about guitar gear and shit but I know very little on recording. :cry: Thanks for your help! I'll get that demo for sure. :)