Upon listening to these again
--Edited for Space--
if I felt my product didn't have significant advantages over the free stuff out there.
Bro, i think it's fantastic that you're dealing with this and setting up your own business and frankly it's an inspiration to everyone of us!
I know you have put a lot of work and dedication into trying to establish a brand and a product that is recognisable and a "Market leader" (so far!) in your chosen commercial field.
But man, I'm gonna say this as a bro.
It's simply way too expensive for what it is...
A RADICAL improvement over Guitar hack's (or indeed any of the board made free impulses) would justify money but this hasn't really taken the board by storm, these demos to be honest.
In order for people to consider jumping on this, i would much lower the price to maybe 40$ which makes the product far more accessable.
I realise that you have to make a living too, but at the same time, $80 for something that others (in my opinion) do better, for free is a bit steep...
The improvement that the hype was based on is simply not there man.
And for the record, you shouldn't rubbish comparisons with this as this is no different from any other "amp/cab/mic" shootout... in that there has to be a constant and a variable.
To me, Recabinet comes off unfavourably to the free options and/or doesn't provide a major boost over the ones that were made way before.
Lower the price and i (and many others) may consider purchasing but at the moment (if i wasn't so broke), i'd rather fire £20 to Guitar Hack as a donation for all his hardwork and the sheer volume of work i have used his "cab" (and bro-like qualities) for.... I'm not gonna cause i'm poor, but principle is there
Anyway man, i have the utmost respect for you for trying this, and it could eventually lead to great things, but sadly at the moment, it's not really close so no cigar!