In case you missed it---SX/Sirius interview


Jun 17, 2003
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Rebroadcast Saturdays 3 pm ET and Sundays 6 pm ET
Hard Files is a weekly one hour aural glimpse into the music and lives of some of your favorite metal bands.

This week join Hard Attack host Mario as he welcomes New Jersey's prog metal kings SYMPHONY-X for a special Hard Files look into their latest masterpiece, Paradise Lost. Plus, they'll talk about their upcoming tour with Sanctity and Echoes Of Eternity. It's a futuristic look into mankind and metal with SYMPHONY-X. :rock:
Maybe I missed it, but was there any mention of this on this forum or the band's website? I heard some of it, but it was only by chance I heard about it at all. I just flipped over to Hard Attack and caught it just before they were going to play "Set the World on Fire", and the host mentioned that SyX would be on Hard Files on Thursday. I was stoked.

I am surprised that it wasn't even mentioned on this forum or the site. I figured this would be something they might be interested in telling their fans. I don't know. Maybe I missed it. Whatever.
Yep, it sure was on the site, I had to update it myself since our webmaster was gone on her honeymoon at the time..LOL. I try to post all of the info on all of the band's different "internet presences" at the same time, but sometimes one gets missed; always best to watch the site if you choose only one location to rely on for news; it'll have everything.
Wonder if XM would have something like this ? cause thats what we have. XM seems to only have one that plays "numetal" and one that plays old pop metal. Then theres Deep Tracks that plays alot of old progressive rock and "other songs" by what were popular bands that never got any airplay. Im sure their crowd is older, but I believe they should be turning some of the older people like me on too progressive metal as it is an extension or evolution of prog rock. But instead they play every other song ...... Gratefull Dead .... or so it seems.

At anyrate Im sorry I cant tune into this as Romeo is one of my favorite MASTERS .............. HA !