In-Depth Chris Caffery Interview Posted


Just a Kid at Heart
For those of you who are Savatage/TSO/Chris Caffery fans, I just posted my interview with him on the web site.

NOTE: Chris isn't playing ProgPowerUSA VII. I just love the guy's music and wanted to talk to him about W.A.R.P.E.D. (his new CD). I thought the PPUSA Forum would find his comments interesting.

I'm working on two things this evening:

1. My Zak Stevens interview. It's been transcribed and now I'm going through it to correct any errors, etc. It's about an hour and a half long, so it's taking awhile. But I should be able to post it tonight.

2. An index for the Notes site that will allow people to find any interview within the site right from the home page without having to go to the Interviews tab at the top and then scroll through them all on the Interviews page. Thanks to Yippee38 for the suggestion!


Pretty cool interview..

It's impressive how Chris' thoughts on politics have changed through the years.. He really started to get into it.. He had extremely different point of views a few years back..
Great interview - he seems like a great guy. I checked out his web site - seems he likes to cook and has some recipes posted. I am going to try one of them out! :danceboy:
ConnieOH said:
Great interview - he seems like a great guy. I checked out his web site - seems he likes to cook and has some recipes posted. I am going to try one of them out! :danceboy:

LOL! Yeah. I forgot about that. I wanted to ask him about his cooking. I had a whole page of questions to ask Chris. But the interview took on a life of its own and went places I hadn't planned for. So I just went with the flow.

He does seem like a great guy. I was lucky to get an interview with him.

Thanks for the comments, Connie!

PurpleCrayonWriter said:
Thanks Angrafan!

Just out of curiosity, what were his political views a few years back?


I think his contact with a lot of people from abroad (as he said on the interview, he lives in a "european neighborhood" + the international tours) might have made him get into all this stuff!
He wasn't as critical of the government and didn't question all those fucked up reasons to go war... He was very patriotic, as he still is, but without questioning what's wrong in this country... Kinda of a "love the USA or leave it" type of guy, you know?

I might be wrong! :) That opinion is based only on his posts on the Sava boards.. But I like the new Caffery a lot better! Still patriotic, nothing wrong with that, but raising questions.. That's always great!