In Flames a good band

Official: The new In Flames album will be a mix of Whoracle,Clayman and Come Clarity
I've watched the studio diaries and heard some of it. They have a bunch of good riffs and whatnot, then they insist on throwing in tons of melodies. Anders' vocals are the same as Come Clarity.
Lunar Strain is the only remotely good one.
Subterranean was in the same style, only better. That album sounds very little like anything IF recorded subsequently. It's worth checking out, even if you hate everything Jester onwards.
As far as great In Flames goes, "Only For the Weak" is where it's at. That's an incredible song.
well basically it's a Dark Tranquillity album
Not really...If you listen to Skydancer and then to Lunar Strain, there's a significant difference. Skydancer is a mash of melodies and screaming with almost no memorable riffs or anything, stylistically very similar to the first 2 At The Gates albums. Lunar Strain is much more polished, the songs are simple(r), with more memorable riffs and whatnot, the tempo is generally slower, and they bring in more strings.
Mikael Stanne sang on it, but IF wrote the music.
I agree with it, actually. It's OK to point out shit once in a while but pretty much all of your posts consist of bashing something.
besides which, he doesn't even like In Flames...obviously if you hate the band your opinion is useless in this discussion...

in the future, how about whenever Ohiogrinder doesn't post on a thread we just assume he hates the topic?
I love In Flames, although older material of course. My favourite is definitely The Jester Race and then Clayman comes for the remaining albums, I only like certain songs.
besides which, he doesn't even like In Flames...obviously if you hate the band your opinion is useless in this discussion...

in the future, how about whenever Ohiogrinder doesn't post on a thread we just assume he hates the topic?

since when did I say I hated In Flames?
Everyone talks about In Flames on here all the time & I've barely even heard them.

As far as Drak Tranquility, I purchased "The Gallery" a couple of years ago. I never liked it. That one album just completely turned me off to them.

Isn't "At the Gates" better than "In Flames"?? I'm not big on this MeloDeath stuff, but I've been wanting to check out AtG a lot lately.
Everyone talks about In Flames on here all the time & I've barely even heard them.

As far as Drak Tranquility, I purchased "The Gallery" a couple of years ago. I never liked it. That one album just completely turned me off to them.

Isn't "At the Gates" better than "In Flames"?? I'm not big on this MeloDeath stuff, but I've been wanting to check out AtG a lot lately.

I think whether At the Gates is "better" or not is purely a matter of opinion. Personally, I don't think they're better than In Flames.
Gardens of Grief, The Red in the Sky is Ours, and With Fear I Kiss the Burning Darkness are. In Flames are pretty much crap after Lunar Strain but I'll admit that album is better than Slaughter of the Soul
Gardens of Grief, The Red in the Sky is Ours, and With Fear I Kiss the Burning Darkness are. In Flames are pretty much crap after Lunar Strain but I'll admit that album is better than Slaughter of the Soul

Why does EVERYONE hate SoTS?

I loved it...