In Flames a good band

From what I heard of Slaughter of the Soul I liked it. Not as much as With Fear I Kiss the Burning Darkness though.
Glad I got DSO - Fas instead of that the other day at the record store then.
It's catchy but has very little lasting value as every song pretty much follows the same formula. I think it was somewhat of a commercial attempt.


It is a good listen from time to time, but has little replay value in the long run. Of course, I still haven't really gotten into their older material much, but with my current whoring of Swedish DM, that will probably change.

The Red in the Sky is Ours is a damn good album.
since when did I say I hated In Flames?
shit, shit and more shit.

Why does EVERYONE hate SoTS?

I loved it...
Same here...I like it more than their other stuff...

The Red in the Sky is Ours is a damn good album.
Never understood what was so fucking great about that album. I like it, but I don't think it's as good as anything else they did.

I think whether At the Gates is "better" or not is purely a matter of opinion. Personally, I don't think they're better than In Flames.
Well, I DLed their stuff & I don't like Slaughter of the Soul very much. It's too primitive & not very deep, at least by it's first impression. The Red in the Sky is Ours seems much better, however. I'm still completely new to them though, so my opinion is still shaky.
you seem to forget I was only referring to the new album. Old In Flames is ok.
My opinion of you just moved up a notch.
Well, I DLed their stuff & I don't like Slaughter of the Soul very much. It's too primitive & not very deep, at least by it's first impression. The Red in the Sky is Ours seems much better, however. I'm still completely new to them though, so my opinion is still shaky.
Slaughter of the Soul more primitive than TRITSIO???
He means that it is rather simple; which it is. Everything changed when Alf left the band.

The fact is that SotS is okay for what it is; but it is in no way in the same ballpark as the Svensson albums. That man was a counterpoint genius.
i've not heard the old stuff but I really enjoy Reoute, Soundtrack, and Come clarity. I heard there is a big difference between those albums and the older stuff
i've not heard the old stuff but I really enjoy Reoute, Soundtrack, and Come clarity. I heard there is a big difference between those albums and the older stuff

Their newer stuff is more whiny, emo sounding (I think). Personally, I think their height ended after Clayman. My favorite song by them is "Only For the Weak."
Clayman was the last genuinely good album. Come Clarity and STYE both have their moments, but as albums kinda suck. The lyrics are alright, in my opinion. They definitely aren't "emo," with the exception of maybe Take This Life. Which is a good song, imo.

The lyrics up to Clayman are mostly metaphysical. They used to have really good lyrics.