In Flames -- Atlanta

Palabra de Dios said:
Trivium is metalcore, a sad, sad American-based genre mixing hardcore punk with elements of metal. Trivium is typical metalcore, and their quality is somewhere between terrible and mediocre (with a dash of 'average' in there too).

They had no business on tour with Children of Bodom and Amon Amarth. The entire metalcore genre is an abomination to true metal, and has rapidly become America's new nu-metal. Whereas the Slipknots and Mudvaynes of the late 90s were mainstream, now Trivium and Killswitch Engage are becoming what the Grammys want to actually call metal, while our beloved genre rests nestled in the obscurity of somewhat 'underground.'

The real unfortunate thing is how these bands convince the masses that they are something other than a more metal version of hardcore punk. Thus, you have this guy calling them "Floridian Death Metal" and the even more atrocious miscalculation: "Prog-Thrash." Either way, they're straight up terrible (both Trivium and most metalcore in genreral). And have no more business on a stage with actual metal acts than a fresh turd I would lay after a chicken stuffed burrito at Taco Bell (imagine how 'metal' THAT is!).

General Zod said:
And as MadeInNewJersey correctly pointed out, musically these kids have more in common with Maiden and Testament than 75% of the bands we discuss here. And if Maiden and Testament aren't Metal, than I don't know what the hell I've been listening to for the last 25 years.


THANK YOU! :worship: :headbang:
Hmm, looks like some of the kids have gotten their brand-new computers and 1200-baud modems for Christmas, and have discovered the PP Forum. :tickled:

Trivium.... I concur with Zod here (yes, you may faint in the back row at this time, but put your beer down first). Trivium are getting to be increasingly popular, they are quite young, they are not completely without talent, and they helped fill venues.
I don't think their help was needed here in Atlanta, however, as CoB had almost the entire audience eating out of their hand, just as they did when they opened for Dimmu Borgir and Nevermore.

Meanwhile, back in In Flames land.... We gave Come Clarity a critical listen earlier today and based on hearing most of the CD, with the exception of the title track we thought it was surprisingly good otherwise.