Yeah that cd is pretty good as well...i dont really care a Subterranean or The Jesters Race cd...either one is good :)
I love Anders and all but listen to Jocke do Dead Eternity. Then Listen to Dimension Zero, now imagine a whole album of that with Jester Race. Kinda gives me wood. Jocke has that fire and spirit that reminds me of Thomas lindberg and that makes me happy. PLEASE GIVE US ANOTHER DZ ALBUM DAMN IT!!!
Stanne and Forss aren't any good for you? At least they're better than Anders now...

The latest 3 albums are the worst... Anders is fucking everything up.

definately wouldnt go that far.
their old stuff was alot better i agree and thats because mr stanne had his say to lead that direction.
nuff said
stanne is the king