Hahaha chill I'm joking.
And about ASOP, tell that to the other people that in fact know that half of it is shit.
The fact is, It does NOT suck at all. Bash me all you want too but i think it's a great album with no bad songs, Like all the other albums they've done. This whole discussion about New/Old In Flames is IMO very retarded. It's all about peoples opinions whether you like them or not, So what's to discuss really?
''In Flames suck nowadays!''
''No they don't.''
''Yes they do retard!''
''Fuck you if you dont like them''
''You are a fag if you like them, They were only good until Clayman!!''
''No they are still good!!!!''
(My) opinion is that they have changed alot for sure, BUT they still maintain their own unique style which is why i've always loved them. Maybe some of you, or most of this forum thinks In Flames totally suck now, and i don't. So what's more to discuss really? You think they suck and i don't. Move on to other bands then and stop whining, honestly.
Btw i don't think there's anything wrong disliking them but there is no need to have this endless Old vs New discussion. I don't like Lunar Strain cause of vocals for example, but i don't whine about it. So please stop this discussion cause it's getting irritating. (Yes i know i can leave this forum whenever i want too) But i just think this shit is so silly cause it doesn't lead anywhere.
This interview is nice and can explain something for you maybe: