Inflames Terrible new vocals

I think ASOP would be better if they D tuned the guitars and Anders' vocals were better (He should use style he did in the song "World Of Promises").

He should at least try to do this.
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There is no wrong and right when it comes to opinions.

But if you are, in fact, an idiot....

...please proceed with trying your best to be an asshat.

I meant that I agree with me not really liking them due to the fact that I could not get into them... But I know that what I've heard of Opeth, was not of that album and that I should give them a try!!
I just recommended you all a whole bunch of bands and invited you to suggest stuff but I guess you're too colossal a faggot to man up and admit you liked that shit (or such a colossal faggot that you didn't like it), so just stfu. I haven't insulted your musical taste, you just happen to be factually wrong about ASOP.
Hahaha chill I'm joking.

And about ASOP, tell that to the other people that in fact know that half of it is shit.
Hahaha chill I'm joking.

And about ASOP, tell that to the other people that in fact know that half of it is shit.

The fact is, It does NOT suck at all. Bash me all you want too but i think it's a great album with no bad songs, Like all the other albums they've done. This whole discussion about New/Old In Flames is IMO very retarded. It's all about peoples opinions whether you like them or not, So what's to discuss really?
''In Flames suck nowadays!''
''No they don't.''
''Yes they do retard!''
''Fuck you if you dont like them''
''You are a fag if you like them, They were only good until Clayman!!''
''No they are still good!!!!''
(My) opinion is that they have changed alot for sure, BUT they still maintain their own unique style which is why i've always loved them. Maybe some of you, or most of this forum thinks In Flames totally suck now, and i don't. So what's more to discuss really? You think they suck and i don't. Move on to other bands then and stop whining, honestly.
Btw i don't think there's anything wrong disliking them but there is no need to have this endless Old vs New discussion. I don't like Lunar Strain cause of vocals for example, but i don't whine about it. So please stop this discussion cause it's getting irritating. (Yes i know i can leave this forum whenever i want too) But i just think this shit is so silly cause it doesn't lead anywhere.
This interview is nice and can explain something for you maybe:
I like In Flames I just think ASOP is a total shitbomb.
I haven't listened to it since last year, that's how unattractive it is to me.
That's what they said about Colony in an interview.
Then why do the guitars sound high pitched. Is it the bass?
Did they say "detuned" or "D standard tuning?" A link would be helpful. There's a huge difference between the two. The guitars may sound high-pitched because they used a lot of treble. Also, detuning only lowers the lowest and highest notes of the guitar. Easy to tell if a band does a lot of chugging, but because IF don't use open-string palm muting much, it's hard to be sure.
no bad songs

Like all the other albums they've done.
Really? If you really think In Flames have never written a bad song please say "yes."
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why trying to convince people that a band is bad? that's just being a dickhead.
why don't you all go ahead and recommend new, great bands instead of flaming someone for their taste of music, on a metal forum..
Opeth are great, In Flames are great, Simon and Garfunkel are religious.
Try Kongh, they are great.

Because suggesting good music to people with shitty taste makes no sense. Thats like trying to get a fat chick who wears spandex to show some modesty and hide those folds.
Did they say "detuned" or "D standard tuning?" A link would be helpful. There's a huge difference between the two. The guitars may sound high-pitched because they used a lot of treble. Also, detuning only lowers the lowest and highest notes of the guitar. Easy to tell if a band does a lot of chugging, but because IF don't use open-string palm muting much, it's hard to be sure.

Really? If you really think In Flames have never written a bad song please say "yes."
Yep, I stand for that. I don't think they have wrote any bad songs, Just songs that people maybe don't like, but others do. For example i don't like Lunar Strain, but i don't think it's bad songs because of that.

That was kinda cool. It didn't feel stretched at all, but it did feel slightly directionless, like they found a bunch of riffs that work together and played them the right number of times, but the song still doesn't go anywhere. Not bad, though. What's their best album?

I don't think they have wrote any bad songs

Thanks for being clear. It makes this much easier.

*krofius's public profile -> add user to ignore list -> save list -> on with my day*
That was kinda cool. It didn't feel stretched at all, but it did feel slightly directionless, like they found a bunch of riffs that work together and played them the right number of times, but the song still doesn't go anywhere. Not bad, though. What's their best album?

Thanks for being clear. It makes this much easier.

*krofius's public profile -> add user to ignore list -> save list -> on with my day*

New album isn't bad, I prefer From Mars to Sirius or Terra Incognita more. They're pretty fun to watch live, but I find them pretty boring when I give one of their records a spin. You'll probably feel the same about most of their songs, what you've said is pretty typical of their style.
Hmm. I heard good things about From Mars to Sirius, if I find it cheap during one of my massive hauls I'll throw it in.
Another recommendation;

And another, (btw. one of my personal favorite bands);

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KoK's vocalist sounds a lot like Lemmy, unfortunately. Mega-ungrim. Also, that video is atrocious. The song is okay.

The second one was pretty good, aside from being rather gay with all the german men in leather, probably talking about gay sex.

Speaking of German rock...

Gun Barrel - Straight Down to Hell, from Power Dive. That album is just kickass rock'n'roll with a healthy dose of power metal, although that doesn't really come out in this song. Unfortunately, this is the only song on youtube from that album. Great song, though.
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