In Flames -Sounds of A Playground Fading (Upcoming 10th album)

Once again, we're miss hearing lyrics. Its a song about how he was having a dinner party and fucked up the dessert. You could hear him from the kitchen...

Ok, heard it and I think it's a pretty solid effort. Way better than a sense of purpose, maybe a tad better than come clarity but most likely its a tie. The first five songs are pretty kick ass even Deliver Us. Fear is the weakness is pretty bad ass. The next four songs starting with Dead ships are Meh... I mean some of them have interesting things going on but nothing great. Enter tragedy is another kick ass song followed by the pointless Jester's door (was really hoping for an old school sounding song with this title) and then New Dawn...Another kick ass song. The last song (Liberation) I'll pile together with the "Meh" middle section. In Conclusion, this is a solid release. Good Job Bjorn.
i must admit (im listening darker times now) that i like to scream i have a better plan,neighbours already think wtf is wrong with me XD
OK, here we go.

01. Sounds of a Playground Fading 7.5/10

Nice clean intro with Metallica feel. Crunchy modern riff, epic chorus and catchy little solo. Solid song, if a bit predictable (structure). All in all, good opener, but nothing groundbreaking.

02. Deliver Us 7/10

Compact hit. Melodic and straightforward, also very modern sounding. Interesting vocal melodies. Solo is good, but again a bit predictable (cry-cry-speed-cry-cry-speed-melody-harmonized melody). Very catchy chorus. Song sounds like it was written to be single. (hehe, sellouts)

03. All for Me 6.5/10

Fantastic clean intro in 3/4 time signature that really screams: IN FLAMES! Unfortunately, song doesn't seem to have much connection with intro. Heavy riffs, but nothing stands out. Nice melodic parts towards the end, but that's it. I was expecting more from this one.

04. The Puzzle 10/10

Now this is one mean fucker! Fast rhythms, wicked vocal melodies and one of the best IF choruses ever. Middle part with solo breaks the song nicely, making stuff more interesting. Great atmospheric keys and guitars towards the end.

05. Fear is the Weakness 9/10

Starts with gentle clean guitars and then comes keyboard dominated intro (a bit of Soilwork and Solution .45 in this). Great verses and lyrics. I really like little solos and leads Bjorn did through out the song. Very tastefully done. Chorus is good, but there are some better on this album. Also, notice that cool melody from studio episode 2 (I think) that's in the background of the chorus. This song has more positive feeling than All for me, The Puzzle and SOAPF.

06. Where Dead Ships Dwell 8/10

Sounds better on CD than live. Nice samples and fantastic trademark In Flames riffs. Some great electronic/ambiental stuff before and with chorus. One of highlights of the album - sweet dual guitar lead at the end of the solo.

07. The Attic 9/10

Weird experimental stuff with bluesy guitar and some samples in the background. Very dark, moody, melancholic piece of music. I like it. Feels so personal.

08. Darker Times 7/10

I had a feeling this one will be standard issue In Flames filler song...and I was not far from truth. Modern generic riffing, almost techno drumming and infamous "I have a better plan, I have a better plan". Good stuff: vocals at 1:38, phenomenal chorus, and solid (but not really original) solos.

09. Ropes 8/10

Great intro riff/melody. Really powerful and catchy. Anders cleans are so good in this one. Again one good solo from Bjorn. Song has a positive feeling, it is very easy to consume and I have no doubts it will be very popular.

10. Enter Tragedy 8/10

Aggressive side of SOAPF. Brutal riffing and great chorus. Interesting breakdown and quite unexpected solo.

11. The Jester's Door 10/10

Weird sounds, spooky sounds, accordion (!?), spoken part, ambient stuff, electro beats, original sounding keys... Is this soundtrack of some awesome game? No, still an In Flames song...and a damn good one. Thumbs up for originality.

12. A New Dawn 10/10

Trademark In Flames riffs and melodies, great verses, great chorus, Anders inspired, gentle clean guitar stuff, cellos and violins + good songwriting = great fucking song. I love this one.

13. Liberation 8/10

While a bit gay...this song is not that bad. I don't really like that radio rock chords at the begging of the chorus (btw every emo girl in the crowd will sing along). Solo - Bjorn goes Rockstar/Guitarhero! Song ends with long, calm, prog rock part. I really like they gave up the 3 minute nu-metal songs in favor of more mature songwriting. (Now, many of you will wonder why did I rate this one with 8 and SOAPF with 7.5... SOAPF is a good song, but this one is exploring some new ground for IF, and will be more interesting in a year or two then a more standard sounding SOAPF)

All together this gives us... 8.3 if I'm not mistaken. Not bad at all. Beats LS, RTR, STYE, CC and ASOP in my book. It was a long time since I was this excited by IF album. All band members did their job fantastically. A lot of credit should be given to keyboard guy.

Oh, yeah, about production... Guitars are not so distorted but they have incredible clarity (as Bjorn said in studio episode). Bass is really deep and there are moments when it comes from the background and add a few nice touches to some songs. Vocals are done great (you really need to be an expert to do this stuff). Keys and samples are just incredible, and I wouldn't mind if they did some bonus tracks that are all electronic. So all instruments are good, but drums are BEST! This must be greatest drum sound ever.
I think the fact that they recorded everything in the same studio, with each other, while all working together to get a certain sound on this album has really shown through. This is the best production quality in a long time. Everything sounds blended well.
Nice breakdown of your takes on the songs there, A88. Good idea on giving extra marks for originality (when it came to Liberation) :D

... And here's me sitting, waiting for the 20th June for the actual release. Yup, call me mad but i'm not attempting to get the leak- i'm waiting the wait!! Would like to hear more people's track-by-tracks! :)
Nice breakdown of your takes on the songs there, A88. Good idea on giving extra marks for originality (when it came to Liberation) :D

... And here's me sitting, waiting for the 20th June for the actual release. Yup, call me mad but i'm not attempting to get the leak- i'm waiting the wait!! Would like to hear more people's track-by-tracks! :)


Dantess, come to the dark side! Use your get the leak! ;)
im pretty sure that their setlist will include at least 5 songs from this album and i expect the puzzle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
after hearing whole album im definitely going to visit their show in zagreb 26.9
I see there are many different opinions about songs, that's good! :) They have pleased old,new,mid fans! For me All For Me is AWESOME song and i see i'm not the only one! :)
The bass is also great in the production.

It's very noticeable in Where the Dead Ships Dwell and it sounds awesome. And the bass in the outro to The Puzzle is great.

I'm not too keen on The Attic and Jester's Door. An acoustic instrumental or something would've fitted great as Jester's Door but meh...

I'm not sure whether I like Liberation. It's got good parts, but it's got too much of a 'pop' sound to it.
Overall Short Review:

This as Anders' best clean vocal performance since the Passenger album in 2003. The vocal melodies and hooks are off the charts, and generally not whiny in the least. On the topic of screams and growls, this has probably been the most range he has ever shown. He goes from highs to lows, without maintaining one general sound from track to track. Something that was borderline annoying on the last album. The guitar work is incredible and really inspired sounding. As a general whole, this album sounds inspired, creative and experimental all at once. This is some of their best production work as well. Every song on the album with its own appeal could very well be a "single", to me a feat that hasn't been accomplished since Reroute To Remain.

Favorite Track: Where The Dead Ships Dwell. Its light, heavy, catchy and addicting all at once.