In-flames studio episodes (New 2011 album)

Brilliant! Addictive drums metal preset :lol: And yeh i think the same guitar sound is coming back. I wasnt that fond of it really so i didnt take to the album that much. I did have a pint with Bjorn at the pub though which was good that year.
Looks like Björn is using a Digi Eleven on that vid... I thought those guy's probably would go for something like an Axe-FX when they first was going to upgrade from the POD ..
Huh, didn't expect this so soon. Oh well, I'll check it out for sure. I'm hoping for a more Come Clarity style album, a bit heavier with more focus on the guitar parts.
I've been hopelessly wishing something similar to Whoracle for years.
Now that Jesper left the sinking ship I only hope his new band The Resistance will kick ass big time.