In Flames

I dont want to turn this thread into a political discussion but i am all for public healthcare. Need not money should dictate who gets the care they need.

Its like this in Canada and I would hope nations such as the US will adopt it eventually. When Bush spends billions of dollars to go to war with Iraq, one wonders why so many people in America are without proper healthcare insurance. Makes no sense to me.
Bush needs to go to war with Canada to steal their healthcare.
yeah we have alot of taxes but then we have free health care, dentist is free until your 19, everyone who doesnt have a job can, if they want, get the rent payed and 300 dollars to live of a mont, we have good schools, almost no bums (well some, but theyre retarded since they have an option in sweden), free meals at the schools all the way up to high school..
Ive noticed that most of the time we all have to be very careful when it comes to political issues when we talk to each other or other metalheads, because based on observation we are some of the mouthiest and most of outspoken fuckers in the world and it scares me as to what would happen if we were all at some kind of big political convention. Oh and the comment about taking over CANADA for its healthcare was funny as shit. I guess Im pretty happy where I sit in the usa as far as my freedoms and healthcare and shit, but Sweden sure does sound like a nice place.
slaesh said:
yeah we have alot of taxes but then we have free health care, dentist is free until your 19, everyone who doesnt have a job can, if they want, get the rent payed and 300 dollars to live of a mont, we have good schools, almost no bums (well some, but theyre retarded since they have an option in sweden), free meals at the schools all the way up to high school..

Wow, that sounds like a really good system, other nations should learn from Sweden's success.(Im a bit of a left winger myself, cant you tell)
I'm not going to sit here and say that our tax dollars are going to the right places when I know that they're not. I am also in favor of people being covered by the government for healthcare until they are 23-24 years old. However, after that, you should be established enough to be able to take care of yourself. Finding a job in America with some sort of health insurance really isn't that difficult. I don't feel that my money should have to go to somebody who is highly un-initiated. I feel it is bad enough that 22% of my income goes to taxes. I couldn't imagine 49% or more.

Oh, and on a musical topic, I feel that the new In Flames is very uninspired.
I Live In New Mexico And Im From Okalhoma And Call It Some Backwoods Prejudice But I Really Hate The Idea Of Giving All My Fucking Money To Mexicans Who Dont Work And Continue To Have 12 Kids. This Royally Pisses Me Off That They Suck Off The System And Wellfare And Then Complain About Or Country. I Live Here So Dont Tell Me Im Being Racist I See It Everyday All Day And Ahve To Hear About. It Sucks.

So what about people who could not afford post-secondary education and secure a career that has good healthcare insurance by the time they are 24? Do we say "Screw You, no $ no healing!" I believe healthcare is a right that every citizen in the world should have access too, regardless of economic class and income.

Also if you want to get into welfare, I believe that an economic support system is neccesary to put people back on their feet, however they shouldnt milk the system. Some sort of incentive should be used to push them into the work force. For example if the government used some of the welfare money to train them and push them into a job of their choice it would be much more beneficial to all of society.
So what about people who could not afford post-secondary education and secure a career that has good healthcare insurance by the time they are 24? Do we say "Screw You, no $ no healing!" I believe healthcare is a right that every citizen in the world should have access too, regardless of economic class and income.

Yeah, I believe it is too, but what is the solution? If something can be done with our existing tax structure, then yeah, I'd say go for it. But to be taxed even more than we already are isn't too cool, either.

And on a personal note, I have heard many a horror story from people coming down FROM Canada to receive some of the American health care instead of theirs. Why you ask? Because the quality of ours is better. This is not a debatable subject. Why do you think that they charge so much? Because they have taken years of schooling to make themselves the best in their fields of expertise.

Oh, and I didn't get any post-secondary schooling at all (victim of circumstances) and I found a job with insurance. Is it a job I hoped for? No, but it pays decent and I don't plan on staying there forever. It has allowed be to live alone and still pay off $19,000 in debt, so not bad. Point is, I made a decision with the necessity of a job having insurance benefits.
But Its Funny Cause None Of Us Really Ever Accomplish Anything On These Boards. We Start Conversations Knowing That We Are Not Gonna Change Anyones Mind And Eventually Someones Gonna Get Pissed Off And Flaming Will Insue. I Just Think Its Funny We All Continue In The Opinion Cycle. Oh Well Makes My Day Go By Faster Until I Have To Go To School.
I don't know where you've got the idea that you pay 49% taxes in Sweden. I sure don't.

*Grabs a calculator*

I pay around 30-31% taxes. On the other hand, if I would make about ten times as much as I do, I think I would have to pay more taxes.. but then I think I would afford them too :P

Oh yeah.. I'm going to see In flames live in a few days.. yaay In flames.. ;)