In flames news / Fredrik Nordstrom interview


Jan 23, 2004
One of the writers from our site recently interviewed Fredrik Nordstrom when he was in the UK with Dream Evil. He asked some In Flames related questions at the end that may interest fans. Here they are with his answers. Cheers!

MP: These last questions are directed for you personally. You've worked with In Flames in the past. What's your opinion on their musical direction over the last two albums?

Fredrik: I haven't heard the whole of the albums, I should say for a start. I heard some songs on the radio. I honestly think they should stay more in their own direction, because they were like the leader of the pack. Now they have switched over to the more American nu-metal style and they are like the followers. There are bands in America who are growing big because of the style of In Flames because they were following that from the beginning. So in one way I think its bad but in the same way I think they were quite bored of doing that stuff. So maybe they had to find a new way to develop themselves. Absolutely, they've reached some success with that. On the "Clayman" album there were not agreements but that turned out to be quite a good album. For In Flames, maybe it was a good move. Maybe, I don't know, I can't say... What made Iron Maiden so big actually is they almost always stayed in the same plain. What made McDonalds good? I hate McDonalds personally...

MP: Would you ever like to work with them again?

Fredrik: Yes, but maybe during different circumstances. There was some bird whispering in my ear some days ago... But I had Anders in too much studio work, everything gets so messy, he was in the band, and also part of the studio. It was like "if I take you to the studio, it means I'm going to lose In Flames". I don't know what's going to happen in the future. I know they're searching for a new producer and my personal opinion is they're doing right. It's just my taste, but they need to change the snare sound (makes dodgy snare sound) it's like playing in reggae music. That's my opinion, I suppose. I told them what I think to one of the guitar players. Bjorn's actually working on a new project now with a female singer, very good singer. It's going to turn out to be like, not Evanescence, but in the same...You get the smell of In Flames but with very good female vocals. It could turn out to be good.