Colony is certainly underrated,
Dimebag yes, Alexi Im not so sure. Kirk may be overrated but hes still pretty damn good. If you dont believe me check out his guitar solo on the Seattle tape in the Live Shit box set. Just because he was basically MIA on St Anger doesnt erase all the great stuff he did before.egonomic666 said:i will stand by my comment that kirk is a extremely overratted guitarist
i used to look up to him as a god but thats only because i hadnt heard anyone else, if you put kirk hammet circa andjustice forall and everything before that up against dimebag or alexi laiho they would tear him a new one easily. i think that kirk is only half as good as people say he is
Yea Kirk is the more overrated of the two but mainly cause Metallica is more known around the world than Bodom. Not saying which band is better but Metallica is definitly better known and because of that way more people know and praise Kirk Hammett than Alexi.egonomic666 said:eh to each his own but what ever you say i would say kirk is the more overrated ofthe too but to me alexi is just as good and better then everyone says he is
He meant among fans.
What the fuck are you talking about?egonomic666 said:hmm let me see here ? whos the guitarist to a famous metal band and who is the 9nth grader talking shit on him yea thats what i thought , alexi is eeons better then kirk and YOU for that matter ok NAUSHAD! think of one VALID REASON to say that alexi isnt an amzing guitarist who would wipe his ass with your mudvayne listening face! i am the ultimate corpse espooo ! fuck you ! ahah
egonomic666 said:hmm let me see here ? whos the guitarist to a famous metal band and who is the 9nth grader talking shit on him yea thats what i thought , alexi is eeons better then kirk and YOU for that matter ok NAUSHAD! think of one VALID REASON to say that alexi isnt an amzing guitarist who would wipe his ass with your mudvayne listening face! i am the ultimate corpse espooo ! fuck you ! ahah
IMO, that title belongs to Mikael Akerfeldt. His compositional skill is beyond incredible, the best Iv heard in the metal genreSunlapse said:well, at least you didnt call Alexi "the Mozart of metal"
Doompiper said:In Flames have been making very lacklustre metal lately, for example:reroute to remain and the new STYE. I think this is due to the fact thet they no longer record and produce their albums under Fredrik Nordstrom at Studio Fredman. After all, Fredrik did produce TheJesterRace, Whoracle, Colony and Clayman. Their recent and worst albums were produced in denmark by this loser named Daniel Bergstrand. What Gives???![]()