In Flames...?

Buy the following albums:

Jester Race

They all rule, but Whoracle is my personal favourite. I'm not that big a fan of their pre-Jester Race stuff (Subterranean and Lunar Strain), and their live album, The Tokyo Showdown, is a bit dodgy production-wise. Those albums mentioned up there are all must-haves, though.

Oh, and add "Ordinary Story" to your Audio Galaxy list - it's my personal favourite song of theirs, and probably their most accessible.
Inflames arent bad.....but the whole swedish melodic death scene is becoming/has already become like power metal. Everything but 1 or 2 bands sound all alike.
Metal needs a rebirth of sorts or something. Something new and spectacular! :)
New IN Flames has gone all pooncy and shitty, I think,

Colony is still ok,Clayman is just plain crap.
Make sure you get Whoracle and The Jester race but.They give me a woody,both of them.
I second Coops' recommendations! Fantastic stuff!

Please nobody call them black metal - too many do, and they're just not black metal. :)

Listen to Colony with headphones. Cool album.