In hindsight, is Twlight better than WOOOS?


Amon Amarth Viking
Jun 11, 2005
Silent Hill
I know a lot of people (me included) thought that TOTTG didn't hold a candle to With Oden...

Fast forward through the months post-Twilight's release, and I find it's one of the AA albums I continually listen to, while WOOOS barely gets any.

I'd say now, in retrospect, that Twilight is in fact a better overall album.

What say you? Has your opinion changed at all since it's release?
Once Sent From the Golden Hall, or Versus the World.
The other full length AA albums have nothing to do in a "which is the better album" thread ^^

I didn't listen enough the WOOOS or TOTTG enough to decide which is better. Honestly, I prefer their older material although I stay a great fan of AA.
Obviously Once Sent is their best, with Versus The World second. The question is about Twilight and With Oden.
With Oden is better; I can't really point to why, but I get this sorta lame feeling from Twilight, like this stuff has become too clean and polished. I dunno. Doesn't really prevent me from loving it, but it's lingering in the back of my mind.

Songwise, With Oden has Under the Northern Star, Runes to My Memory, Cry of the Blackbirds, Gods of War Arise, With Oden on Our Side, and of course ASATOR.
Twilight has Guardians of Asgard, Where Is Your God?, Varyaags of Miklagard, and No Fear For The Setting Sun.
These are just the songs I though were fantastic. There aren't really any bad songs on either album.
OK if I have to choose between TOTTG and WOOOS then it is WOOOS.
Every single song is just absolutely great.
On TOTTG the songs are overall OK with a few great hits (for me Varyags..., Live for the Kill, The Hero, Tattered.. Embrace... and Twilight...)
WOOOS packs a bit more punch, but I like some of the song subjects of TotTG more (Especially The Hero and Varyargs)
WOOOS packs a bit more punch, but I like some of the song subjects of TotTG more (Especially The Hero and Varyargs)

Wow, I was just about to say I preferred the lyrical themes of Twilight to those of WOOOS, and I was going to mention those two songs as well.

I love The Hero, a song about a terrible man who in his last act dies to protect the defenseless and wont event acknowledge hes done a good deed.

And Varyags, hell I just love me some Varangian Guard.

Well done.
I too like the lyrical theme for both of these songs.
The Hero is pretty emotional, I like it when AA manage to convey the emotional side.
Guardians of Asguard is my favourite song on either album, but overall I like WOOOS. Neither is bad though and WOoOS is second only to vs. IMO. Once Sent is very good, but not quite as good as WOoOS or vs.
That is your opinion sir :p

Personally with Amon Amarth my favorite changes quite often. I went through a phase where I thought Once Sent From The Golden Hall was the best.

Currently, and as it has been for quite a while Twlight.. is my favorite with Fate Of Norns being close. Lyrically With Oden On Our Side kills though.