In hindsight, is Twlight better than WOOOS?

I'll just break it down for myself:

Songs I love From With Odin:
Runes to my Memory
Gods of War Arise
Cry of the Black Birds
Under the Northern Star

Songs I love From Twilight:
Twilight of the Thunder God
Varyags of Miklagard
No Fear for the Setting Sun
The Hero
Enbrace of the Endless Ocean

See that was easy, 5 for Twilight, while With Odin only gets...shit.

They're both awesome. Enough said.

In joke, I guess. If you hang out in GMD you'll notice a lot of would-be snobs who refuse to enjoy anything except a band's debut, but are willing to praise that to the sky no matter how raw, error-laden, and generally shitty it may be. (I'm talking in terms of random old school death and black metal bands here, not AA; their debut, whether you think of Sorrow as being the proper debut or Once Sent, was fucking brilliant). Sometimes they're right, but often they're just being fucking dumb.
Sometimes the older stuff is better than the new stuff. I mean Entombed is a prime example of a band that completely went to shit after album number 2. But there are also tons of bands that are doing better shit now than their earlier works. Anyone who takes Nevermore's s/t over Politics or Dreaming should be slapped.
I'm gonna go with Twilight Of the Thunder God, because of its lyrical content, and that it was the AA album that changed my opinion on the band. With Oden On Our Side does ahev its awesome moments without a doubt though.

Has anyone noticed how the abbreviation for With Oden on Our Side is fucking stupid?

WOOS. It sounds like l33t sp33k.
I'm gonna go with Twilight Of the Thunder God, because of its lyrical content, and that it was the AA album that changed my opinion on the band. With Oden On Our Side does ahev its awesome moments without a doubt though.

Has anyone noticed how the abbreviation for With Oden on Our Side is fucking stupid?

WOOS. It sounds like l33t sp33k.

You mean WOOOS
I listen to them all right regularly, so, better? Nah. Brilliant? Yes.
with oden on our side
versus the world
twilight of the thundergod
fate of norns.

can't rank the others as i don't own them although i have heard them by illegal methods and while some of the tracks stand out like sound of the eight hooves, north sea storm the albums aren't as good consistently as the later ones.
Twilight and WOOOS were the two albums that got me into AA so they both hold a certain significance in my eyes. But I have been trying to get into their older stuff which from what I've heard so far sounds killer!