First impressions of Twilight

I greatly prefer the production of their last album, I'm surprised I haven't seen others notice this as well. The new album doesn't sound bad, but damn WOOOS sounds so smooooth, rich, and punchy on my system with the vocals more up front in the mix.

Like I said though, the production is fine on this new album it's just not incredible like the last. The album art however is great. This has to be one of the best looking album covers I've seen in a long time.

As for the songs themselves it's the same ol' same ol', which is actually a good thing for me.
after i've spent much time listening to TOTTG i'm happy to take back everything i mentioned above. Although it can't outmatch The Crusher and Once sent, it turned out to be a great album, at the level of all the others. Johan's vocal style starts to make sense.
I only got this the other day, and I have to say that with my first couple of listens I was a bit disappointed- obviously with the exception of 'Guardians...' as it's an instant classic. I felt that the riffs were a bit generic and 'more of the same' and kind of a flatter version of the last two albums.

So I've been listening to it a lot over the last couple of days, and I can say that I really love this album now. For some reason it took a bit of time for me to get my head into the songs. 'With Oden..' is my favourite AA album, I just think it's a classic, so maybe I was trepidatious about the follow up, despite the brilliant artwork. Best arwork so far, and now I'd say it's my second or third favourite AA album.

Maybe a bit of the massive advertising machine got my expectations too high, which is dumb because AA do what they do and they do it well. Nothing fancy, but damn effective.
Awesome fucking album, again, not as good as the last one, but still great. Probably my third favorite AA release after With Odin On Our Side and Versus The World. The bonus DVD is an amazing bonus, as the OP said, worth the price of purchase alone.
Gotta siphon the spinach, gotta cream the corn, sperm scrambles the eggs and a meal is born.
Cooking like a beginner but I'm going up in her, had fritos for lunch, having bush for dinner.