Dahar Mistress
Summer is fine but I enjoy enjoy evenings when it's warm and the sun is going down etc. So good for BBQs. ;>
I hadn't noticed your location before, now it makes sense why your English is so much better than most the Spanish I've talked with. Edinburgh is a great city, haven't been in years. ;/
What summer? I think I blinked and missed it this year. But suits me fine. Thanks, Embra' is quite nice! And all dug up at the moment, damm trams!
Ilike Eluvietie and AA on shuffle when I run...
I had to google that but that is going to be my next purchase. Celtic music and Basque folk was my first love. Very fashionable in the mid 90's when I was a teenager. Then I discovered metal.
And now it seems I can have my cake and eat it.