In honour of our wedding date:

BodyRemover on the other hand....even though he doesn't play in a band LOVES THE FAT GOTHS!

some famous quotes and pick up lines from Mr. BR, translated.

"The skinny ones I fuck, the fat ones I enjoy listening to To/Die/For with."

"Wanna go to the beach and listen to Charon?"

also, when on serbian Mirc metal chats.

king_of_love: Are there any fat goth girls here that want to hook up with me over the internet?

he's all about them is what I'm trying to say.
lizard said:
your ex sensed the coiled masculine tensity which is avi and was threatened by it.

Azal: actually, I worked near chicago with a serbian american girl, she was really cute. one day she called me on the phone and said, richard, can you come up here and assist this customer??
I walked up front and she walked away. after I helped the guy with his paperwork, and he left, she came back and I asked her what the trouble was, thinking maybe he was hitting on her a bit too hard or something.

she said, no, I just didn't want to help him because he's a muslim bosnian.
my dream girl.

Because gamers are secretly cooler than normal people. Thus making Alex and I superior as far as coolness goes.

Alex: Avi and I have determined that he is in fact the same Avi that I knew. I guess he either has a bad memory or I just don't make memorable impressions on people.