In Memoriam: Inactive Posters


Music Theory or GTFO
Mar 18, 2008
There are a lot of other former posters who have disappeared, particularly around the SC time period. I can't blame them. But still, let's use this topic to send them positive vibes and get them back and posting for the next release.

2022 Update - Only going back to the Battles thread at this point. If a bro hasn't posted in 6 years he probably ain't coming back :D

PlainVanilla - Nearly 3 years

Only4theweak187 - 2 years


Midas - 1 year

UnholyCrusada - 3 years

Jester313 - 2 years

Buz - Nearly 2 years

AtotheK - 5 years

Jaymzkrueger - 2 years

InWaves - Nearly a year

Pitiless Wanderer - 4 years :thumbsup:

Clay-man - 2 years

Vjeshta - nearly 3 years

Thoughts & prayers to those lost to the brutality of SC & Battles & Clayman 2020. It's been a tough few years.
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Well, I haven't been taking into account where they last posted, just when they were last active in general :D I've only got so much time to waste.

It's kind of weird though. His last post on here was March 29th, 2016. He comes back over two years later to post one line about the Night Flight Orchestra then vanishes again. The bastard didn't even have the courtesy to say hello to us. I guess Battles really did hurt him.
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I left for a long time too but I'm ready for more pop rock you guys

You can be a bellend sometimes but I'm glad to still have you around bro :D

That was a good one lol.

PlainVanilla was one of the people I enjoy seeing on here, too bad that he's not posting here.

I remember PlainVanilla starting off as part of the Anders Manlove Crew but he eventually ended up gravitating to the dark side. Siren Charms did that to a lot of people.

Ps. I was only half joking re: Laverna & Slave.
Founded by Krofius, extended with Jester Slave and I. :D Maybe you will join it with the new one? :D

Doubtful, but if I've learned one thing from a decade on this ridiculous forum it's never rule anything out :D
Also just realised there's no way I'm updating this shit every week, so I'm simplifying the timescales :D
If I ever kidnapped a girl, it wouldn't be some scene metal chick. I absolutely detest them and the way they sweat blood to act special, when they are ordinary as fuck.

Honorable mention could go out for only4theweak who rarely drops by. I do my PlainVanilla though, he was very active during SC.
Laverna removed as she was proven to be Sister. Also Drawntoblack and Seppo have returned :cool: