In Metal Hammer?

Windom Pearl

May 31, 2001
Tampere, Finland
From their website..

"In Subterranea this month: Arch Enemy unleash the hatred as Michale Amott admits that "Carcass turned to shit" and Sub examines the next wave of Euro metal banging on the walls of fortress England incliuding Farmakon and Graveworm. There's profiles on Nevermore, Born From Pain, and live shit on Poison Idea and the utterley nuts Locust! Metal Hammer 118 - how can you live without it?"

I was under the impression the interview was for Totalrock. Beats me. If anyone can scan that I'd appreciate.
Tuli tästä mieleen, että Terrorizerissakin olitte nyt ja yksi piisu oli siinä mukana olleessa levyssä. Ette varmaan tienneet asiasta.
Naw :D Strongbow. I tried to find an english feeling.

Actually the who article is OK in every other way, but the thing that it makes it sound like I'm responsible for all that we do. It easily goes this way because I do take credit for starting the band. However Dom asked me if Farmakon was my own vision and I answered "No, it was for the first two songs but since then we've become democracy." Of course that isn't included in the article :) Then again, it can't be expected the they'll tell a detailed story in such a small article. I better get used to this.