IN PAIN DIE - the wait is over!


the photographer
Thats right people...i know its been a LONG wait to hear back from us about

what we've been up to but once you hear the new shit ...i ASSURE you all

that it'll be worth it. Its been a long hard journey going from the last

line up to this one, we've basically reinvented ourselves and became a new easy thing to do.

The songs and style are more about what we want to do now. Heavy fucking

catchy as fuck infectious groove laden metal, and for the first time

ever...we now have samples thrown in too! Think down tuned and sludgey,

think crunchy and brutal. Fuck what you thought we sounded like..this is a


Crowbar meets Obituary with some Bolt Thrower and Fear Factory thrown in

with a side helping of Hatebreed on top sounds about right i think...check

it out and see for yourselves...thats right....THE TIME HAS ARRIVED!!!

Grunty vocals with sludgey chrunchy riffs...what more you want? To quote

Ant (Bass and Vocals) the new sound we are aiming for is "groove laden

death metal mixed with newer stuff like Lamb of God and Stampin' Ground".

its been so long without any new material to promote but now here it

is...the all new demo "DIGITAL RELIC" can be hear via the all NEW look official band website


were all VERY excited about the things ahead of us and cant wait to get

back into gigging. also the band would like to welcome in officially new

guitarist Rich and also thank our long time friend Matty for his time in

the band and good luck once again on his new ventures :D

see you all really soon!!!


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