In regards to the Studio diary...

I've been once at Sound Supreme and it's true the damn Back to the Future pinball kinda gets to you on some level...

And yeah, it's really nice to get some studio updates. Looking forward for the new material. And gigs!
Well, I thought just Mathias has been to Germany?! :confused:
Oh... really? Haven't read it THAT carefully! :p Anyway, then it can't have been them > a reader of my magazine posted into our forum, that she was at that Arch Enemy gig and there were some Finns near her in the audience, being noisy all the time... talking when Angela was talking, so that fan-girl could never understand what Angela said.
I thought that must be Turisas. But if you say, Mathias was alone, then it wasn't him, because there were more Finns, not just one.
:lol: indeed
btw, what did I say? the pinball machine causes mental health probs!!!
better to shut it down then instead off coming up with some '80 pop album...