In the Czech Republic

Hej Vito!

wow, those are some badass pics.

I REALLY wish I had the mony to fly out there, it was a great lineup, plenty of bands I really enjoy.

guess ill just have to be satisfied with mayhem, which was pritty fucking incredible, would have better with you guys there. I got to chill with corpesgrinder!!
hmm, ive seen vito's ibenez a few times but of all the vids ive seen i can't remember a larry useing anything but his fender barratone, and that didn't look like a fender logo to me.
The logo on the headstock is taped over, only the words "Sub-Sonic" are still visable. But it's the same guitar I've used for several years now, though I own a couple of the same model. The only other guitar you've seen me use in videos and such is the black ESP LTD Viper baritone, which is now in the hands of Steve (THESE ARE THEY). I'm pretty happy to stick with my Sub-Sonics. Though I am curious about that new PRS Baritone that just came out...
Were there multiple stages at this fest, or just one?

There were two huge stages right next to each other. This was the best stage setup at a fest that I've ever been to. You don't have to rush to another stage to catch the next band and only one band plays at a time. The bands play to everyone at the fest, not just people who happen to be at that stage. I wish other festivals had this setup. While one band is playing the other band is getting ready to play on the other stage, and there's only like a 5 minute break between bands it was awesome.
The logo on the headstock is taped over, only the words "Sub-Sonic" are still visable. But it's the same guitar I've used for several years now, though I own a couple of the same model. The only other guitar you've seen me use in videos and such is the black ESP LTD Viper baritone, which is now in the hands of Steve (THESE ARE THEY). I'm pretty happy to stick with my Sub-Sonics. Though I am curious about that new PRS Baritone that just came out...

ya i wana try that new PRS barratone as well, and as far as the fender subsonics go, they have a startleingly good tone for metal, especialy for a fender.
There were two huge stages right next to each other. This was the best stage setup at a fest that I've ever been to. You don't have to rush to another stage to catch the next band and only one band plays at a time. The bands play to everyone at the fest, not just people who happen to be at that stage. I wish other festivals had this setup. While one band is playing the other band is getting ready to play on the other stage, and there's only like a 5 minute break between bands it was awesome.

This is a MUCH better way to have a fest...