In The L..L..Library Loft Lyrics


Jan 31, 2006
I'm really interested in reading the lyrics to this album. If anyone could post them or knows where I could find them, It'd be nice..
I took a stab a while back at transcribing the lyrics for Eptaceros. I'm sure there are some mistakes, but this should give you the basics of it.

I look down and my hoof is cloven; Black blisters on my family photographs; Blood in my mouth and shit on my fingers; I can't move till light stops touching my face, but I don't think I wanna; I'm turning into stone; Sparrows purching on my shoulder make me forget the taste of blood; My dirty body begs for curtains to be drawn; long red ribbons touch my eyes to the floor; my bones bend each hand to six fingers: I can't move till the light stops touching my face, but I don't think I wanna; I'm turning into stone; The sparrow purching on my shoulder made me forget what I was talking about; Beware the light ghost
it's 4:20 so i thought i'd share some more lyrics with you


Blood of a million moths
In the library loft
Mystery moments crafted of you
I'm bamboo
and I have a stick for a heart
stick for a heart
stick for a heart

i'm moody; catch me on a good day and i'll probably type some more out sometime. cheers!
eeeeeh, i'm sorry if you didnt want them transcripted/posted. i was just pretty curious myself so i took a stab at them.

one of the vocal parts in Kandu vs. Corky makes me think of a wizard or magician of some sort plodding joyfully through a really vibrant swamp (like the swamp on majora's mask).